The Burning Bush

Day 1 –  THE STORY

Moses grows up to be a shepherd and sees something crazy. A good investigator looks for all the details, so make sure you pay attention to what happens in this true story.

Read Exodus 3:1-12

If a bush were to catch fire in your backyard, it would burn until there was nothing there. What was strange about the burning bush that Moses saw?

Who spoke to Moses from the burning bush? What did He tell Moses He was going to do? Does God care about His people when they are hurting?


There are two characters involved with this story. Today you are going to figure out what they are both like.

Read Exodus 3:1-12

Was Moses confused why God would choose him to do His work?

Have you ever thought you were not good enough for God to choose you? Can you remember a time you felt this way?

What did God say to encourage Moses?

Do you believe that God is with you when He asks you to do something?

Day 3 – THE SOURCE (#00af85 BKG) (#ffffff Font)

Read Isaiah 41:13

What does this verse say?

What are some things God gives you to show that He is there to help you?

Hint… search all around you to answer this question. The Bible says all good things come from God. God uses the Bible, people, creation, and so much more to help you!

Write out some reasons why you trust God is with you.


Read Exodus 20:12

What does this verse say?

Has God ever given you strength to do something? Write about what He did.

Give it a try! (#faa633 BKG) (#ffffff Font)

I’m sure a burning bush that didn’t burn up was a crazy sight to see. Grab a pencil, markers or crayons and draw what you think the burning bush looked like:


Is there something God has asked you to do that you have not done because you were afraid? You have learned that you don’t have to fear, because God will help you. Talk to your parents or an older friend about what you have been afraid to do. It’s time… pray for help and go do what you’ve been afraid to do!