Strength Comes From God


Read Isaiah 40:31
Who will renew your strength? If you have God’s strength, will you wear out?
God has a lot of good things in store for you. The enemy wants to wear you out so you won’t have the strength to do them. God reminds you He will always give you new strength. His power will never run out. Rely on Him and you will be strong your entire life to do what He has planned for you to do!


Read James 4:7
What does the devil do when you submit yourself to God?
Submit: (v) rely on the superior power of an authority
Submitting to something may sound like you are giving up. By submitting yourself to God, you are not surrendering. A strong follower of Christ begins by submitting to God and lets Him fight for them. The devil can defeat you because you are human. But he cannot defeat God. Wouldn’t you want to rely on the person that can make you a winner?
The devil tempts you, but He runs from God.
How can you rely on God’s power and authority?


God literally collapsed the walls of the city that wanted to destroy His people. He asked His people to be ready for battle and do what He tells them to do. When they obeyed, they got to see God fight the battle for them!
Read it in Joshua 5:6-20


In the Old Testament, King Jehoshaphat was the king of God’s people. God’s people were surrounded by an evil army and it seemed like there was no way they could win. God made a big promise to His people and He makes the same promise to you today.
Read 2 Chronicles 20:15
Why did the people of Judah and Jerusalem not have to be discouraged or afraid?
Whose battle was it they were going to fight?
God knows what it takes to be you and He knows the battles you will face. There will be times in life that everything surrounding you seems overwhelming. You will think things such as: “There is no way I am strong enough to be me” or “there is no way I am strong enough to fight the battle God has put in front of me.” Remember that if you follow God, the battle is His. He is there to do the fighting. You just need to trust Him and follow.
Have you ever been overwhelmed by something before? If so, write about it.
Did you rely on God to give you strength? If not, how could you have relied on God?
Are you encouraged that as you follow God, He will fight for you?


Read Joshua 1:9
Why can you be strong?
Who is with you?
When God is your Savior He is with you always. He promises there is never a moment that He is not with you. He is not the type of God that asks you to be you alone. He is your creator and He is the foundation of your identity. He will fight for you and hold you up when you feel you can’t fight anymore. He is even fighting battles you can’t see now and in your future.


Read Psalm 27:14
Fill in the blank: Be strong and __________ on the Lord.
Waiting is the hardest thing to do because it takes patience. It is hard to understand why God does what He does, but if you trust Him you must believe He knows what is best for you and everyone else.
Read 2 Peter 3:9
What does God want for all people?
Why is God patient with people who do bad things?