Day 1- 01 THE STORY
The Bible doesn’t tell us much about Jesus’ life as a child but it does tell us how He grew up. At Kanakuk, you are challenged to live an I’m Third Life… God first, others second, and yourself third. Since 1926, Kanakuk has also given the challenge of living a “4 Square Life.” This lifestyle is based on how Jesus grew up in Luke 2:52. The cool thing is that this is not just for when you’re young. Someone 100 years old still needs to strive to live a “4 Square Life!”
Read Luke 2:52
What are the 4 areas where Jesus grew? What are different ways you can grow in each area?
There were many witnesses to Jesus as He grew up. He had family, friends, neighbors, brothers, and teachers just like you. The Bible doesn’t really give details of the first 30 years of His life. One thing is for sure, God was preparing Him for the last three years of His life. Check out one way God was preparing Jesus to be a teacher.
Read Luke 2:46-47. What did people witness while Jesus was at the temple?
Why were they astonished?
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
God gives you people to guide you. You learn from your parents, teachers, your Kamp counselor, and many other people. You learn by reading, watching, and doing. Jesus was just like you. He spent time asking questions and learning. Just like God was preparing Jesus, He is preparing you for something too. Soak up this time to learn and don’t let anyone hinder you from learning. Look what Jesus said to His disciples when they were stopping kids from coming to see Him.
Read Matthew 19:13-14. What did Jesus say about the kids? How do you make time to learn about Jesus? Who helps you learn about Him?
Find these words:
Four Square
(Insert word search)
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
Read 1 Peter 2:2
God gives analogies in the Bible to help you understand things. An analogy is an example of something similar so it’s easier to understand what God is telling us. He uses a simple life example to show you what it means to grow in your faith. When you are a baby, you only drink milk. It’s all your body can handle, and someone has to feed you. You cannot feed yourself. As you grow up, your body develops. You not only get to eat more solid foods, but you also learn how to feed yourself. Eventually, you have moved way beyond milk and can eat meat and chocolate cake and all things your little body couldn’t handle when you were a baby. God wants you to grow physically, but how you grow in your faith is the most important thing to Him. Have fun soaking up all God has to teach you. Read your Bible, listen to your parents, and watch the example of those you look up to like your Kamp counselor, older sibling, or Sunday school teacher.
Write down how you have grown this year.
Write down how someone has taught you something by being an example to you. Challenge yourself to be an example for someone else to follow!
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from this part of the story of Jesus as a kid.
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
John the Baptist’s mother Elizabeth was cousins with Jesus’ mother Mary. This made John the Baptist Jesus’ second cousin. John the Baptist loved the Lord. God gave John the Baptist the role of preparing the way for Jesus to start His ministry. Jesus is the Savior. He saves you and everyone who has ever lived of their sins. Jesus died on the cross so we could have salvation from our sins. The truth is, if you don’t know that you sin, you won’t see the need for Jesus. That is what John the Baptist’s job was. He told people to repent. He challenged them to see their sin and turn from it. God used John the Baptist to help people realize they need Jesus.
Read Matthew 3:1-6
What did John the Baptist tell people?
What did John the Baptist wear?
Do you think clothes and nice things were the most important thing to John the Baptist?
What was important to John the Baptist?
Repent (v): to feel bad for something bad you did and decide to turn away from the bad thing and not do it anymore.
Did you know that John the Baptist experienced being around Jesus when he was in his mother’s womb. John the Baptist also got to baptize Jesus.
Read Luke 1:39-45
What happened to John while he was in his mother’s womb?
When did it happen?
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
John the Baptist was a different dude. He lived in the wilderness, ate bugs, wore Old Testament looking clothes, and preached a really tough message to preach. The people of Israel became obsessed about image and status, but John wanted to be really different. He didn’t want to draw attention to himself for his own gain, but he wanted to be different so people would listen to what he had to say about God. You don’t have to eat bugs and wear crazy clothes to be different. That made sense in John the Baptist’s time. You CAN be different in how you act, how you treat others, what you wear, what you listen to, what you watch, and how you talk.
Read Romans 12:2. Why does God tell us not to be like the world?
Why is it good to be like God instead of being like the world? How can being like the world hurt you? How can you be more like God and less like the world?
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
Read 2 Peter 3:9
Why does God have patience?
What does He want everyone to do?
How does this verse explain why God sent John the Baptist to tell others to repent?
This week you learned about why God wants you to repent. He wants you to realize you need Jesus AND wants you to be protected from how sin can hurt you. Write down a sin that you have done this week. Did you know that Jesus has already forgiven that sin?
Pray to Him today and tell Him you’re sorry. Ask Him to help you not do it anymore.
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from this part of the story of John the Baptist.
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
After Jesus was born, He had visitors. These visitors traveled a long way to see Him. They were called the Magi. We sing a popular Christmas Carol called “We Three Kings,” and it’s easy to let the song explain all the details of the story in the Bible. The song is a fun song to sing, but the Magi were really not kings. They were astrologers. An astrologer is someone who studies stars. These men had heard about the prophecy of the star, and they saw the star over Bethlehem in the sky from thousands of miles away (a prophecy is a prediction of the future). The Magi’s first stop was to see King Herod. King Herod was not a Jew. He was a Roman ruler in charge of Judea, the land of the Jews. He didn’t like the fact that another king was showing up in the land. He was jealous. Read about Herod today.
Read Matthew 2:1-12
Who did the Magi go to see first? What did Herod want them to do?
Put your detective hat on… do you think Herod really wanted to worship Jesus? What do you think he was up to?
Read Matthew 2:9-12
When the Magi saw Jesus, what did they do? What did the Magi bring Jesus?
Did the Magi return and tell Herod what he wanted?
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
After reading this story, did you wonder why the Magi would care to come and see the baby Jesus? Hundreds of years earlier, in the Old Testament, God was giving people clues about when Jesus would arrive. Those clues are called prophecy. God said one of the signs the Savior had arrived was a star. Somehow, the Magi knew about what God had said and watched to see it in real life. Did you know that hundreds of years before Jesus showed up. God’s plan was always Jesus. He planned it before time and has been making it happen since the day He created the earth. The Old Testament is a true story, but inside it are thousands of clues that point to Jesus. You, just like the Magi, can play detective and investigate what the Old Testament says and then see what God says is true as you learn about Jesus in the New Testament.
Read Isaiah 46:10
What does this verse tell you about all the things that God has planned?
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
The Magi sacrificed so much to come and meet Jesus. They traveled a long way from home and it took a very long time to get to Jesus. They must have believed Jesus to be worth it all. When they arrived, they immediately gave Jesus the praise He deserved and then gave Him the best gifts that they could give. They gave Him the best of what they had.
Read Colossians 3:23-24
How did the Magi strive to please God?
Did the Magi worry about what man wanted? (hint… did they do what Herod wanted?)
Do you do all you can to give God your best? What do you think it means to give God your best? Do you think Jesus is worth it?
This week there is a nativity scene for you to color. As you color, it remember the story of Jesus’ birth and why He came for you. You could frame your coloring sheet and give it to your mother or father for Christmas.
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from this part of the story of Magi.
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
Have you ever seen someone at you church get baptized? Or have you been baptized?
People choose to be baptized after they give their life to Jesus. Baptism doesn’t save you. It’s something you do after to tell everyone around you that Jesus is your Savior. Did you know Jesus was baptized? He is God so He didn’t need to get baptized, but He did it so everyone would be sure that He is God’s son.
Read Matthew 3:13-17
What happened after Jesus was baptized? What did God say? Where was God?
Day 2- 02 THE WITNESSES (#92dad9 BKG) (#ffffff Font)
You never have to wonder if Jesus is God’s son. God said it Himself, out loud and everyone who was there heard it and saw the sky open up. Cool, huh? All throughout Jesus’ life, people recognized that Jesus was God’s son. One of Jesus’ 12 disciples was Peter – he spent a lot of time with Jesus.
Read Matthew 16:15-16. What does Jesus ask Peter? What is Peter’s answer?
Ringing the bell at Kamp is a way you can tell others that you believe in Jesus. Read about it at the end of your book.
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
Jesus is God’s son, but He is also God!
Read John 1:1 and John 1:14
Who/what was in the beginning with God? Does the Bible say the Word was God?
In verse 14, what does it say the Word changes into?
Sometimes the Bible uses the word “flesh” to talk about humans because we are made of skin…in other words, flesh! Jesus is the “Word” these verses are talking about.
Jesus is God and He became flesh… human!
Why do you think it’s cool that God became human?
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
Read John 3:16 and memorize
Do you believe that Jesus is God’s son? Do you believe that Jesus is God?
Your answer to these questions will be what helps you decide how you live your life! Jesus is the most important person to ever live, and many people don’t pay attention to Him because they don’t answer yes to those two questions!
Re-read the verses in Day 1 and draw a picture of what you think the sky looked like after Jesus was baptized.
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from this part of the story of Jesus’ baptism.
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
Jesus was human in every way and just like you are tempted to sin, He was tempted to sin.
Read Matthew 4:1-11. Satan tempted Jesus three times. Each time what did Jesus use to resist Satan? (look at Jesus words “it is written”… why do you and I have to know what God has written?) What was the last thing Satan asked Jesus to do? What was Jesus’ answer?
God puts this story in the Bible because He wants you to witness Jesus’ temptation. Jesus is the only human not to sin… ever. Jesus showed that with God, you can say no to temptation. Read 1 Corinthians 10:13
God won’t let any temptation happen to you that you can’t handle. How does this encourage you?
Who will help you when you are tempted? Wouldn’t it be easier to fight temptation if you knew a friend was going to ask you about whether you gave in or not? This is called accountability!
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
God is not a God who sits in heaven and tells you what to do without understanding what it’s like to be you. He totally understands what you are going through.
Read Hebrews 4:15
By the way… Jesus has many names in the Bible and one of them is our High Priest.
This verse is talking about Jesus.
How can you relate to Jesus? How is Jesus different than you? Why should Jesus be your example in how to fight when you are tempted to do wrong?
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
Did you know that you have the same power within you that Jesus used to resist Satan? When you believe in Jesus, the Bible tells you that you have the Holy Spirit inside of you. The Holy Spirit was the power inside of Jesus! You also have God’s Word. Jesus used scripture to fight Satan. You can fight temptation to sin by knowing what God wants for you instead of what you want for yourself.
Read 2 Peter 1:3
Circle the things that God has given you to help you fight temptation and live for God.
People to Look Up To
Jesus’ Example
Bible Study
Read Ephesians 6:13-17
The word “resist” is a war term. You are a warrior against temptation and need to resist your enemy. Draw a picture of a warrior and draw the different weapons and armor God gives you to help you fight temptation and resist the devil. Use the space below
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from this part of when Jesus was tempted.
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
Jesus spent time with 12 men who learned from Him and watched Jesus be God for three years. Here is one story of two brothers who Jesus asked to follow Him.
Read Matthew 4:18-20
What was Peter and Andrew’s job?
What did Jesus say He would teach them to do if they followed Him?
Peter and Andrew were not really going to fish for men in the water. Jesus was using an example to help them understand what He wanted them to do. He wanted them to stop catching real fish for a living and instead tell men about Jesus and bring them to Jesus. If you are a believer, you are a “fisher of men” too.
Read Mark 15:16
What does God tell you to do here?
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
God sent Jesus to save you from your sin. He will also send you to tell others about Himself.
Read John 20:21
Why do you think God wants you to tell others about Himself?
If it’s pretty outside this weekend, ask your mom or dad if you can go fishing. As you fish, remember that God wants you to be a fisher of men and tell others about Himself! If it’s too cold or you don’t have stuff to fish, you could always play the card game “Go Fish!”
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
Did you know every country has a job called an Ambassador? America has a person who is hired to be an Ambassador in almost every country on earth. That person is an American but lives in the country to help the people there understand what is like to be an American. Did you know that God has given you the job of Ambassador? God wants you to live on earth and help people understand who God is, and that they need Him.
Read 2 Corinthians 5:20
Write down some ideas how you can tell others they need Jesus.
Write down a friend’s name whom you want to tell about Jesus.
Pray for God to help you and then go tell them!
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from this part of the story of when Jesus called his fishers of men.
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
There is a story in the Bible where Jesus was teaching in a house. While He was teaching, some men tried to bring their sick friend through the door because they needed Jesus to heal him. They couldn’t get through the door so they lowered their sick friend through the roof to see Jesus.
Read Luke 5:17-20
What did Jesus do? How did these friends show they cared about their friend?
These men are great examples of the I’m Third lifestyle. It took a lot of time, strength, and energy to carry their friend and lower him through the roof to Jesus. Can you imagine these guys climbing on a roof while carrying someone! Their friend witnessed how much they cared about them, and Jesus witnessed it, too!
Read Luke 5:24-26
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
Read and write out Luke 10:27
Who are you supposed to love first? How are you supposed to love God?
What are ways you love God with your mind? with your strength? with your heart?
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
Repeat the verse from the day before.
Because you love God, who are you supposed to love second?
When God says “neighbor”, he means anyone around you at any part of your life… not just the people who live next door. What are some ways you love the people around you?
Living I’m Third is not just for Kamp. This week live out putting God first, other’s second, and yourself third. How could you do this? Write your ideas below.
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from this part of the story of the sick man and his friends.
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
Back in the time when Jesus lived, people did not like tax collectors. Tax collectors were people’s enemy in those days. A Tax Collector would collect more than enough money for the government and keep some for themselves. They were stealing money from people and getting rich. This is a true story of a man who did bad things but decided to turn to Jesus.
Read Luke 19:1-8
Did Jesus ignore Zaccheus because he did bad things? What did Jesus do?
Did Zaccheus realize what he did wrong? What did Zaccheus do to make it right?
Sometimes, we don’t like it when good things happen to bad people. Jesus wants people who do bad things to change, and we need to care about them as much as He does.
Read Luke 19:1-8
How did the people respond when they saw that Jesus was going to spend time with Zaccheus? Should you want people who do bad things to know Jesus?
Draw a picture of the story of Zacchaeus below:
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
You might not break the law like Zacchaeus, but you are sinner just like he was.
God loves you even when you sin.
Read Romans 5:8
When did Christ die for us?
How does this verse tell you Jesus loves you no matter what?
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
Read Matthew 5:44
What does God tell you to do in this verse?
Why do you think God asks you to pray for your enemies?
Spend some time today praying for someone who does bad things.
Pray for the person whom you don’t get along with.
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from this part of the story of Zacchaeus.
CHECKPOINT #1Great Job! Email us at so we can keep track of your progress. In your email, please include:
First Name
Last Name
Kamp you attended last summer
K-1 K-2 K-Seven K-West K-Kountry
Kamp you plan on attending next summer
K-1 K-2 K-Seven K-West K-Kountry
Parent’s First and Lame Name
One thing you learned
Bible Characters- New Testament
At Kanakuk, we will honor everyone who has completed all 3 checkpoints at closing ceremonies
Checkpoint 1 of 3
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
When you believe in Jesus, you will have to give up the things to make him the most important thing in your life. It is okay to have things like toys, money, and clothes, but those things should never be more important than Jesus. Things, no matter how cool or valuable the world says they are, should never get in the way of what God wants you to do.
Read Matthew 19:16-22
What kept the rich man from following God? What did God want the man to do with his money? What was God going to give him instead?
Make a list of everything that is valuable to you:
Would you be able to give up all these things to God? God promises you that He will reward you for what you give to Him. That reward will come true when you are with Him in heaven. There is nothing on earth that could compare to the sweet reward you have in heaven.
Read Matthew 6:25-33
Should you worry about things? Does this verse say that God will provide for you what you need? If the rich man would have given all his money away to the poor, would God have provided for what He needed? Have you ever seen God provide for you?
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
Being rich isn’t bad. Loving being rich more than loving God is what is bad.
Money isn’t a bad thing either. God can use money for lots of good things.
Loving money more than God is what is bad. Loving money keeps you from loving God. The rich man wasn’t able to give up being rich to give his money to the poor because he loved his money and things too much.
Read 1 Timothy 6:10
Do you love God more than money? Do you love things more than God?
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
Read Luke 9:23
What do you have to do to follow Jesus?
Circle some ways you might have to deny yourself to follow Jesus.
(denying yourself means giving up what you want and doing what God wants)
Give up things and give them to others
Stop having a bad attitude
Stop treating people in a bad way
Stop doing things the way you think it should be done
Stop spending time with friends who encourage you to do bad things
Give up doing something you want to do to help someone else
Is there any other way you might have to deny yourself?
This challenge is going to be a hard one. You get to decide if you want to do it. You know all that allowance you have been saving? What if you gave it to someone that needed it? What if you donated it to an organization that helps others? You might have a pit in your stomach because you don’t want to. That is probably how the rich man felt, too. Remember that God will provide for you, and He can use you to provide for someone else. We encourage you to talk to your parents about some ways you could donate or give away your money.
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of the rich man.
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
Did you know that Jesus walked on water? He walked from the shore to His disciples, who were in a boat in the middle of the sea. Peter saw Him and wanted to walk on water to Jesus.
Read Matthew 14:22-31. Draw a picture of Peter walking on water.
It took a lot of faith in God for Peter to step out of the boat and take the first step on water.
Read Matthew 14:22-31 again
What did Peter do that caused him to fall?
Sometimes we take our eyes off of Jesus and look at the things around us instead.
Peter was walking on water but when he stopped and looked at the wind and storm, he fell. He fell because he was worried about the storm, and he took his eyes of Jesus. The good news is that Jesus was there to save him.
Have you ever been worried about what was happening around you, and you took your eyes off Jesus? What are some things that have caused you to take your eyes off of Jesus?
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
All the disciples saw Jesus and Peter walking on water. If you went to a lake and tried to walk on water, it wouldn’t be possible. Peter couldn’t walk on water if he tried by himself either but anything is possible with God! When God called Peter to walk on water, he was able to do it.
Read Matthew 19:26
Write the verse here:
How does this verse help explain how Peter walked on water.
What does this verse say is possible with God?
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
Read Hebrews 12:1-2
What does God tell us to get rid of and forget about in verse 1?
Who are we to look at as we live our lives?
God might not ask you to walk on water, but one thing is for sure. God can do impossible things through you if you keep your eyes on Him. Have you ever seen God do something impossible? Write about it here. If you haven’t, ask your parents or Sunday school teacher if they have.
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Peter walking on water.
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
Today, you will read a story about two great ladies, Mary and Martha. (This Mary was not Jesus’ mother, who was also named Mary). Jesus came to visit them, and Mary spent time with Jesus while Martha busied herself with making dinner, cleaning the house, and finishing everything that had to be done. Those things are good things to do, but Jesus says that one is better.
Read Luke 10:38-42
What did Jesus say was more important?
Mary and Martha lived hundreds of years ago, and people still do the same thing today. I am sure you have witnessed this. Have you ever been too busy to spend time with Jesus? Sometimes all the great and important things we do in life get in the way of spending time with Jesus. Sports, school, activities, church, and all sorts of things can keep us from spending time with Jesus. Those things are not bad. We need to do them, but Jesus says it’s best if we make time to spend with Him.
Read Mathew 4:4
What is as important as eating food?
Do you make time to eat food every day?
Do you make time to spend with Jesus every day?
Day 3- 03 THE MOTIVE
Mary and Martha lived hundreds of years ago, and people still do the same thing today. I am sure you have witnessed this. Have you ever been too busy to spend time with Jesus? Sometimes all the great and important things we do in life get in the way of spending time with Jesus.
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
Read Matthew 6:33
What should you seek first?
If you do this first, will everything else fall into place?
You can spend time with Jesus by praying, singing to Him, reading your Bible, memorizing a Bible verse, and so much more. Think about how you can add 5 more minutes in your busy day to spend time with Jesus. Or is there something you can take out of your schedule in order to replace it with time spent with Jesus?
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Mary and Martha.
List things you do each day of the week to spend time with God.
Day 1- 01 THE STORYA few weeks ago, you read about a rich man who couldn’t give all of what he had to God. Today you are going to read about a widow who gave everything she had. Jesus was watching different people give money to the temple, God’s house. Those who had a lot of money were giving some of what they had. The widow only had two measly mites. A mite was a coin in Jesus’ day, and it was very little. The widow was poor, but she gave all that she had.
Read Luke 21:1-4
What can you learn from the story of the widow?
Day 2- 02 THE WITNESSThe widow did not know that God was watching her put the coins in the treasury. The truth is that God will always see what you give. He will also know your heart and why you are giving.
Read Matthew 6:3-4
Are you supposed to give to others for your own gain? Or to be recognized by others? Does God see what you give?
Do you give to please God or make yourself look good in the eyes of other people?
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
It doesn’t matter the value of what you give God. He values your heart when you give. The widow gave her all, and she did it for God and not for herself. She gave what matters to God more than money.
Read Colossians 3:23
No matter what you do, who should get all the glory?
Do you give God everything you have when He asks you to do it?
At Kamp, we give out an award called the Invisible Hero. We give the award for people who give their all without caring if anyone notices. It’s a reward for “invisible acts of kindness”.
This week, try to do one or two invisible acts of kindness.
Help someone out without getting the credit. It can be as simple as getting your neighbor’s morning paper and putting it on their porch. Be creative and have fun!
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
Read 2 Corinthians 9:7 and write it out.
What should be your attitude when you give?
Day 5- 05 CAUGHT IN THE ACTGiving is so much better than receiving. Ask God to show you how to give something to someone this week. Giving doesn’t always mean money. Sometimes, God asks you to give your time. God might even want you to give your help. Whatever He asks you to give… do it with a cheerful heart. What is one thing you can give today?
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
A few weeks ago, you read about a rich man who couldn’t give all of what he had to God. Today you are going to read about a widow who gave everything she had. Jesus was watching different people give money to the temple, God’s house. Those who had a lot of money were giving some of what they had. The widow only had two measly mites. A mite was a coin in Jesus’ day, and it was very little. The widow was poor, but she gave all that she had.
Read Luke 21:1-4
What can you learn from the story of the widow?
The widow did not know that God was watching her put the coins in the treasury. The truth is that God will always see what you give. He will also know your heart and why you are giving.
Read Matthew 6:3-4
Are you supposed to give to others for your own gain? Or to be recognized by others? Does God see what you give?
Do you give to please God or make yourself look good in the eyes of other people?
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
It doesn’t matter the value of what you give God. He values your heart when you give. The widow gave her all, and she did it for God and not for herself. She gave what matters to God more than money.
Read Colossians 3:23
No matter what you do, who should get all the glory?
Do you give God everything you have when He asks you to do it?
At Kamp, we give out an award called the Invisible Hero. We give the award for people who give their all without caring if anyone notices. It’s a reward for “invisible acts of kindness”.
This week, try to do one or two invisible acts of kindness.
Help someone out without getting the credit. It can be as simple as getting your neighbor’s morning paper and putting it on their porch. Be creative and have fun!
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
Read 2 Corinthians 9:7 and write it out.
What should be your attitude when you give?
Day 5- 05 CAUGHT IN THE ACTGiving is so much better than receiving. Ask God to show you how to give something to someone this week. Giving doesn’t always mean money. Sometimes, God asks you to give your time. God might even want you to give your help. Whatever He asks you to give… do it with a cheerful heart. What is one thing you can give today?
Give with a cheerful heart!
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of the widow.
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
Jesus always had compassion for what people needed. One day, there were thousands of people who wanted to come learn from Him and see Him.
The disciples didn’t have any food to feed them. Look what Jesus did.
Read Matthew 14:13-21
How did Jesus feed the 5,000 people?
Did Jesus have more than enough to give?
Day 2- 02 THE WITNESSCan you imagine how amazed these people were when they saw God provide for them? God always provides for you what you need.
You just need to trust Him to do it.
Read Philippians 4:19
What does God promise that He will do for you? Do you believe that God will provide for your needs?
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
God is rich. Yep, you read that right. Everything in the earth and on the earth is His. He is not only rich but in control of all the earth’s riches. God does not keep His riches to Himself; He wants to share them with everyone.
Read Philippians 4:19 again
Where does God get His supply of things to help you?
Read Psalm 24:1
What does God own?
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
God’s motive is to help you. He loves you and wants to provide for you. You might not get everything you want, but you will always have what you need.
If you need proof, look outside the United States.
God promises to take care of you.
Read Luke 12:24
How does God promise that He will take care of you?
GIVE IT A TRY!Think of the last time you were really hungry. Can you imagine feeling that every day of your life? There are millions of people every day who are hungry with nothing to eat. Ask your parents if you can sign up to serve food at a homeless shelter. If you can’t do that, take canned food to a shelter to give to others. God wants you to help people, just like He asked His disciples to help Him feed the 5,000.
Day 5- 05 CAUGHT IN THE ACTIf there is something you need, take some time to ask God for it. Remember, what you want and what you need are two very different things. If you don’t get something you asked for, then God probably thinks you need something else. HE will provide that too… trust Him.
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000.
Day 1- 01 THE STORYIn Jesus’ time, doctors didn’t have what they have today. People who had leprosy were considered unclean. Leprosy is contagious, and since there were no medicines to cure it, people who had leprosy lived their life as outcasts. No one wanted to be around them, and they spent most of their life alone.
Read Matthew 8:1-3
Who did Jesus heal? Did Jesus care if the man was an outcast?
Day 2- 02 THE WITNESSThere are many true stories in the Bible of how Jesus would heal people. He healed people with leprosy, He healed a man who couldn’t walk, He healed a sick girl, and He healed a bleeding woman. Those were just a few of the many stories. Many people got to see God work in this way. Most people have seen God use His healing powers to heal someone’s heart… including their own. God is most concerned with healing your heart. He does not want you to live life or die without knowing Him. He will heal everyone who wants to be healed from their sin. He does have the power to heal sickness, but He doesn’t always use the power to heal someone’s sickness. Why? Sometimes, He uses sickness to bring people to know Him. Sometimes, He uses sickness to bring people home to Him, which is much better than living life on earth. God tells us that we can ask Him for help when someone is sick. He can heal, and if He doesn’t, He has something even better planned.
Read Romans 8:28
Do you believe that in every situation God will do good things?
Spend time praying for someone who is sick and trust God to do things His way.
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCERead Matthew 8:1-3 again
Is there someone who is considered unpopular at your school? Think about that person. Why are they considered an outcast? Do you think it’s easy for them to be treated that way? The Bible tells us over and over that Jesus cares about the people who are outcasts.
Read 1 Samuel 16:7
What do people look at when they determine if someone is cool?
What does God look at in a person? How did God do this for the man with leprosy?
How does this encourage you?
GIVE IT A TRY!Here is a word find for you to do. You have to answer the questions to know what words to find. You might have to look back through your book to remember some of the answers.
Question #1 – How many people did God feed?
Question #2 – What religious leader asked Jesus questions
Question #3 – What woman was too busy to hang out with Jesus?
Question #4 – Who was the person who Jesus called to walk on water?
Question #5 – Who was the lady that gave all she had to God?
(Insert Word Find)
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
If God cares for outcasts, can you too? Did you know that you were once unlovable because you were a sinner?
Read Romans 5:8 and write it out.
What did God do for you when you were a sinner?
Day 5- 05 CAUGHT IN THE ACTReach out and make a new friend to someone who doesn’t have many friends.
Maybe it’s simply eating lunch with them so they don’t have to each lunch alone.
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Jesus and the man with leprosy.
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
Today, you are going to read about a man who helped someone in their time of need.
Read Luke 10:30-37
How many people passed by the man who was beaten and robbed?
Who helped him? How did he help him?
Read Luke 10:30-37 again
There were many witnesses to the poor guy who was robbed and beaten.
They might not have seen the crime, but they saw he needed help.
What are some reasons you think these men didn’t stop? (hint… think about reasons why you might not have stopped) Which person pleased God?
Do you think the Good Samaritan is an example of the I’m Third life?
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
Read Isaiah 41:10
Who always helps you in your time of need?
Think about a time that God helped you and gave you strength.
Write how He helped you.
One way you can help others is by going through your room and giving away things that you don’t need. Ask your parents to help you with this. Remember to give people good things, not just old and gross things. If you have two winter coats, maybe you can give one of them to someone who doesn’t have a coat this winter.
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
God helps you so you should help others. God even sees helping others as helping Him.
Read Matthew 25:35-40
You are helping God when you are helping whom? Do you take the time to help others?
Read Philippians 2:4
Write it down and memorize it today. Once you have it memorized, say it to a friend, parent, or sibling. Telling other people helps us remember what we memorize!
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of the good samaritan.
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
The Jewish leaders of Jesus’ time did not like Jesus. They didn’t believe Jesus was God. If you read the full story of Jesus, you will see that these leaders were always trying to stop Jesus or trick Him. One of them was named Nicodemus. He was a Jewish ruler who, instead of trying to stop Jesus, wanted to know more about Him. Nicodemus risked losing everything he had to go see Jesus. He was so afraid people would see him that he went to see Jesus in the middle of the night.
Read John 3:1-3
What did Jesus tell Nicodemus about getting to be a part of God’s Kingdom?
Nicodemus didn’t understand what God was trying to teach him about being born again. Jesus helped him understand.
Read John 3:16
What did God do for us? How do you get eternal life?
In the verses you read yesterday, we don’t know if Nicodemus decided to believe in Jesus. It wasn’t going to be easy for Nicodemus to believe in Jesus. Believing in Jesus meant he would be hated by his friends and family. They would bully him if he believed in Jesus. You want to know something awesome? The Bible does show you that Nicodemus eventually followed Jesus. Later on in the Bible it tells about when Jesus died.
Look which followers of Christ asked to bury Jesus?
John 19:38-42
Who buried Jesus in the tomb? Did they risk their lives to do it?
Get excited if you believe you will one day see Nicodemus in heaven!
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
Sometimes following Jesus isn’t easy, but Nicodemus gives us a great example of someone who decided to follow Jesus no matter what people thought of him. He wasn’t afraid to ask Jesus questions and find out what He is all about. You might not be popular because you follow Jesus. There might be a few people who do not like you. Jesus explains why this happens.
Read John 15:18
Why do people, who hate you for following Jesus, really hate you?
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
Don’t be discouraged when people don’t like you because you believe in Jesus.
Be kind to them and know that God is in control. Good things can come from anything, even bad situations!
Read Romans 8:28
What does God do for you? Does God work some things or all things for good?
Do you believe that God can turn anything into good?
Are you afraid of being a follower of Jesus because of what people will think of you?
Ask someone, who’s been a Christian for a long time, if they were ever scared of following Christ. Ask them if following Christ is worth it.
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Nicodemus.
Day 1- 01 THE STORYDid you know that Jesus walked on water? He walked from the shore to His disciples, who were in a boat in the middle of the sea. Peter saw Him and wanted to walk on water to Jesus.
Read Matthew 14:22-31. Draw a picture of Peter walking on water.
Day 2- 02 THE WITNESSIt took a lot of faith in God for Peter to step out of the boat and take the first step on water.
Read Matthew 14:22-31 again
What did Peter do that caused him to fall?
Sometimes we take our eyes off of Jesus and look at the things around us instead.
Peter was walking on water but when he stopped and looked at the wind and storm, he fell. He fell because he was worried about the storm, and he took his eyes of Jesus. The good news is that Jesus was there to save him.
Have you ever been worried about what was happening around you, and you took your eyes off Jesus? What are some things that have caused you to take your eyes off of Jesus?
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCEAll the disciples saw Jesus and Peter walking on water. If you went to a lake and tried to walk on water, it wouldn’t be possible. Peter couldn’t walk on water if he tried by himself either but anything is possible with God! When God called Peter to walk on water, he was able to do it.
Read Matthew 19:26
Write the verse here:
How does this verse help explain how Peter walked on water.
What does this verse say is possible with God?
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
Read Hebrews 12:1-2
What does God tell us to get rid of and forget about in verse 1?
Who are we to look at as we live our lives?
Day 5- 05 CAUGHT IN THE ACTGod might not ask you to walk on water, but one thing is for sure. God can do impossible things through you if you keep your eyes on Him. Have you ever seen God do something impossible? Write about it here. If you haven’t, ask your parents or Sunday school teacher if they have.
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Peter walking on water.
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
It was the time in Jesus’ life when He knew that He had to go to Jerusalem to die on the cross. But He had one more miracle to do. Mary and Martha, the girls you read about before, had a brother named Lazarus. Jesus loved Lazarus. Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus that Lazarus was sick. When He got to their home, Lazarus had died. Jesus wanted to teach everyone that He could defeat death.
Read John 11:38-43
What did Jesus do for Lazarus? Do you believe that Jesus can overcome death?
Everyone who saw Lazarus come out of the tomb was grateful and amazed. Later, people would be amazed that Jesus was no longer in the tomb, He rose from the dead!
Read Romans 6:9-10
Will Jesus die again? The word “dominion” is another word for “power”. Death has no power over Jesus. Jesus has power over death! How does this encourage you?
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
Jesus can conquer death. He showed His friends and disciples that He could do it with Lazarus, but that was a sneak peek for what He was about to do.
Read 1 Thessalonians 4:14
The words “fallen asleep” in the Bible can mean death. What does God promise will happen to those who believe He conquered death?
Did you notice that the first thing Jesus told Lazarus after He raised him from the dead was to take his grave clothes off? Those grave clothes were stinky and Lazarus was alive. He didn’t need them anymore… he was alive! When you die to Christ and believe in Him as your Savior, He wants you to take your grave clothes off. What? Your grave clothes is your sinful self. There is no need to act like a mummy… you are alive. Start living for Jesus!
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVEDid you know that if you believe in Jesus you really don’t die? You leave earth but just move onto the next part of your life… life in heaven with God forever. Jesus defeated death so we don’t have to be afraid. He gives us hope. It could help you to think of your life as having two parts. Part 1 is your life on earth, and Part 2 is your life in eternity forever.
Read Romans 8:37-39
What did Jesus do for us?
Can anything separate you from His love?
Day 5- 05 CAUGHT IN THE ACTYou and your family are citizens of a country. Most Kanakuk Kampers are citizens of the United States but some are citizens from another country. Some people move to other countries but are still citizens of the country they came from. For example, if you are an American but move to England to live, you are actually a citizen of America. God tells us in the Bible that we are citizens of heaven. That is really our home. We just live on earth for a little while.
Read and memorize Philippians 3:20
Today spend some time thanking Jesus for conquering death. You couldn’t live forever with Him if He didn’t do it. Think about writing Jesus a letter as a way of thanking Him!
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Lazarus.
Day 1- 01 THE STORYJesus was on His way to Jerusalem to die for the world’s sin. For the first time ever, He allowed people to worship Him in public as the Messiah. He wanted people, one last time, to know that He was their Messiah.
Read Mark 11:1-11
On what animal did Jesus ride into Jerusalem? What did the people do?
What did the people say?
Day 2- 02 THE WITNESSJesus always wants people to know who He is. Knowing Him is how you decide to believe in Him as your Savior. Read how He made sure Peter knew who He was.
Read Matthew 16:13-16
What does Jesus ask Peter? What does Peter believe about Jesus? Do you believe Jesus is the Savior?
Every Easter we celebrate Jesus riding in on the donkey on Palm Sunday. We call it Palm Sunday because the people laid palm branches down for Jesus to ride over. Every time you see a Palm tree, you can think of Jesus going to Jerusalem to die on a cross for your sins. Color the palm trees below just for fun!
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
Here is another verse that describes who Jesus is. He wants to make sure you know this one, too!
Read John 14:6
What 3 things does Jesus claim to be?
What does it mean “through Jesus?”
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE (#ffffff BKG) (#51afca Font)
The people in Jerusalem were worshipping Jesus and praising His name when He rode in on the donkey.
Read Psalm 150:6
How can you praise God today?
Circle ways you could worship Him:
Tell someone about Him
Give God credit for something you’re good at
Sing to Him
Represent Him on your sports team
Play music to Him
Thank Him for something He has done
Is there any other way you can think of to praise Him today?
Day 5- 05 CAUGHT IN THE ACTDraw a picture of Jesus riding on the donkey. Put it somewhere to remind you to give Jesus the praise He deserves. He is your Savior!
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Jesus riding on the donkey.
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
Jesus went under trial, and the people chose to crucify Him. He had done nothing wrong. Jesus had to carry His cross, and since He was so tired and weak, the Roman soldiers commanded someone help Him.
Read Luke 23:26
Who was the man who helped Jesus?
What did he do for Jesus?
Simon was just a traveling guy. He wasn’t planning on doing anything crazy, until the Roman soldiers asked him to carry Jesus’ cross. Did you know the Bible says that everyone who believes in Jesus should carry a cross? What the Bible is saying is that we have to sacrifice what we want in life to do what God wants.
Read Matthew 16:24
Write down this verse and memorize it.
Once memorized, recite it to your parents!
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
You probably think that carrying the cross for Jesus was really hard for Simon. Simon was taking the cross for someone else to die on… not him. It might seem hard to give up things in your life for Jesus, but when you think about not having to die for your sin, it doesn’t seem so bad.
Read Matthew 11:30 and write it out ——->
How does Jesus describe what He asks you to do? Are you thankful that Jesus died for your sin instead of you? Take some time to thank God for what He did for you on the cross!
There is a guy who walks around the world carrying a big huge cross. He goes to different countries every year and takes a large cross with him to carry. Why? To tell people about Jesus. People see him carrying a huge cross and ask him what he is doing. When they do, he will tell them how Jesus died for them. That is how God asked him to “take up his cross”. As you grow up you will get to see what God has planned for you to “take up your cross” and follow Him. No need to worry, God has planned it just for you!
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
Christ died for us. He literally gave up His life so we could have life. God wants you to give up your desires for what He wants. Usually, what we want are things that will go away but He wants what lasts forever.
Read Galatians 2:20
How can you “die to yourself” or give up things in your life in order to live for Christ better? Think about this today and write out your thoughts.
A small reminder to “take up your cross” is wearing a cross. Wear something that has a cross on it this week and let it be a reminder to you to live for Jesus and not for yourself.
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Simon the cross bearer.
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
Jesus died on the cross with two other men. Both men deserved to be on the cross because they were criminals. One of the criminals yelled at Jesus and said hurtful things. The other criminal decided to believe in Jesus right there on the cross.
Read Luke 23:39-43
Did the thief think he deserved to be on the cross?
Did the thief think Jesus deserved to be on the cross?
What did the thief ask Jesus? What did Jesus tell the thief?
It is better to follow Jesus all your life because He can protect you from sin and your life will have purpose for good. Some people, like the thief on the cross, take their entire life to figure out Jesus is their Savior. It doesn’t matter what point in your life you decide to believe, as long as you believe in Jesus you will live with Him in eternity. God tells this story to teach you never to give up on anyone. No matter how many bad decisions someone has made, anyone can turn to Jesus.
Read Matthew 5:44. What does Jesus tell you to do for those who do bad?
Who can you pray for to know Jesus today?
Think of a time that God did not give up on you. Write about it on the next page. If you can’t think of any, ask your mom, dad, or even your grandparents to tell you about a time that God didn’t give up on them.
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
Write out 2 Peter 3:9
Does God want anyone to perish?
Why is God patient?
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE (#ffffff BKG) (#51afca Font)
Read 1 John 3:23
What does God ask us to do?
Loving people no matter what they have done is what God wants you to do. If someone is making bad decisions, the best thing you can do is pray for God to change their heart. He can do what seems impossible!
The thief on the cross shows you that it’s never too late for you to believe in Jesus.
Do you believe in Jesus as your Savior?
Do you believe that your sin keeps you from having a relationship with God?
If you believe in Him… that is awesome! If you don’t know if you believe in Jesus, take the time to find someone to answer your questions. Don’t be like the thief and wait until the end of your life. Jesus wants to be in a relationship with you now!
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of the thief on the cross.
Great Job! Email us at so we can keep track of your progress. In your email, please include:
First Name
Last Name
Kamp you attended last summer
K-1 K-2 K-Seven K-West K-Kountry
Kamp you plan on attending next summer
K-1 K-2 K-Seven K-West K-Kountry
Parent’s First and Lame Name
One thing you learned
Bible Characters- New Testament
At Kanakuk, we will honor everyone who has completed all 3 checkpoints at closing ceremonies
Checkpoint 2 of 3
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
Peter was a great man and did a lot for Jesus. Peter wasn’t perfect. He made mistakes, too. When Jesus was on trial, right before He was crucified, Peter was following Jesus around to find out what would happen to him. When Jesus was being questioned by a Jewish Official, Peter was standing outside with people. These people started to recognize that Peter had spent time with Jesus. Peter made three big mistakes.
Read 18:15-27
What did the people ask Peter? What did Peter say? How many times did Peter say it?
Peter did know Jesus. He had witnessed everything Jesus had done for the last three years. Peter was scared so instead of telling the truth and standing by Jesus’ side, he didn’t want people to know who he was. Did you know that this still happens to us today? People who know Jesus sometimes don’t want others to know that they do. Maybe they do it because they want to be a part of the popular group who doesn’t like Jesus. Or maybe they want something and think they might not get it if they know Jesus.
Following Jesus is the best part about you.
Read and write out John 3:30
What do you think it means for God to increase and you to decrease?
Circle examples below that show how God can increase as you decrease:
Telling people I believe in Jesus no matter if I am popular or not
Choosing to do things God’s way over my way
Helping others and giving God the credit
Now come up with some examples of your own and write below
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
Peter did not have to be afraid. Jesus told Peter that He had big plans for after He was gone. Jesus told him that He would be with him always.
Read Deuteronomy 31:8
What does God promise you?
How can this help you never be afraid to stand strong for Jesus?
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
God wants you to be strong for Him.
Read Joshua 1:9
Memorize this verse today. Challenge your parents or a friend to see who can memorize the verse first!
Are you afraid that you know Jesus?
Write down why:
How can you stand strong for Jesus?
Write down three ways you can be strong for Him this week!
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Peters denial.
Day 1- 01 THE STORYJesus died on the cross and two of His disciples buried Him in a big tomb. Tomb’s were almost like small caves back in Jesus’ time. They would be closed with a large stone that is too heavy to roll back open. Mary Magdalene, another one of Jesus’ friends was going to visit the tomb and she found the tomb, open with no one in it. She was sad because she thought someone had taken Jesus’ body.
Read John 20:1-18
Why was Mary Magdalene sad when she found the tomb empty?
Did Mary Magdalene recognize Jesus at first? What did Jesus go tell her to do!?
Mary Magdalene ran and told the disciples that Jesus was no longer in the tomb, and He had risen. They thought she was crazy!
Read Luke 24:11-34
Did the disciples believe Mary?
Did the disciples recognize Jesus at first?
How long was Jesus with them before they recognized Him? When did they finally recognize Jesus? What did they do after that?
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCEJesus is alive! Jesus died and defeated death by resurrecting (coming back to life). If there were newspapers in Jesus’ time, this would have been the front page headline.
Romans 6:9-10. Will Christ ever die again?
He died to sin and now He lives for ______________
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
When Mary and the disciples finally recognized Jesus, they were amazed and immediately told others that Jesus was alive. In fact, these people will tell about Jesus for the rest of their lives.
Read Mark 16:15
Do you believe Jesus is alive? Do you think it’s amazing that He conquered death?
How can you tell others about Jesus’ resurrection?
Day 5- 05 CAUGHT IN THE ACT (#e5c194 BKG) (#ffffff Font)
Read Romans 6:9-10 again. Jesus died to sin and now lives for God. If you believe in Jesus as your Savior, then you have died to sin, too! You are alive in Christ. Write down some ways you can live for God today.
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Mary magdalene.
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
Jesus goes above and beyond to give you proof that He rose from the dead. There was a man named Thomas who doubted that Jesus rose from the dead. Jesus had just resurrected and people saw Him. Thomas had not seen Him yet. When the others told him what had happened, he said he wouldn’t believe until he saw the scars on Jesus’ hand.
Read John 20:24-28
What is the first thing that Jesus did when He came in the house?
What did Jesus challenge Thomas to do? What did Thomas do?
God will always give you the information and proof you need to know that Jesus is the risen Savior. Thomas needed to see the scars on Jesus’ hands, so Jesus showed him. If you still are unsure about your need for Jesus, maybe take a minute to look at yourself. Jesus came to save people from their sins. If you don’t sin, then God wouldn’t need to send Jesus. Do you see sin in your life?
Read and write Romans 3:23
Does everyone sin or just a few people?
Circle the sin you have done:
Disobeyed your parents
Hurt someone with your fists
Hurt someone with your words
Thought something mean
Had a bad attitude
Thought of yourself first
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
Read and write out Romans 6:23
What do you deserve because you are a sinner?
What does Jesus give you instead?
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
It is okay to be like Thomas and have doubts, as long as you look to Jesus for the answers. He will help you with your doubts because He wants you to know Him. Whenever you don’t understand something, ask Him about it when you pray.
He will help you understand.
Read James 1:5
What does God say He will give to you if you ask for it?
Write down a few questions that you have for God. Ask Him to help you today.
Take your questions to an older Christian and see if they can help you answer them.
Thomas got to see Jesus’ wounds healed. The scars were there, but he saw that Jesus was risen and alive! You don’t get to physically see Jesus’ wounds healed today, but you can hear how He healed another’s wounds. Ask someone who is walking with Jesus to share with you how Jesus healed their wounds. That might be the proof you need to believe!
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of doubting Thomas.
Day 1- 01 THE STORYA man, named Phillip, was traveling when he saw an Ethiopian man reading the Bible. The Holy Spirit helped Phillip know what to do. Read what happened.
Read Acts 8:26-34
What did Phillip see the Ethiopian doing? What did Phillip ask the Ethiopian?
What did the Ethiopian need help with?
Did Phillip get to share the good news of Jesus with the Ethiopian?
Phillip obeyed God and was able to tell someone about Jesus! How cool was it that God made sure that Phillip was there to help the Ethiopian? God knew the Ethiopian needed help so God sent someone to help him. Do you see what God will do for you? He loves you so much that He will give you help when you don’t understand. He does all the work for you!
Read Ephesians 2:8
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
Read Acts 4:12
Salvation only comes from whom?
Try to memorize this verse today! Write it on a notecard and put it on your bathroom mirror to help you review it every day this week.
International missionaries leave their country and all the comforts of their home to go share the gospel with others. It would be a fun thing to send a missionary you know a letter or care package. Missionaries need encouragement, too! Send them a letter encouraging them and maybe throw in a few things to remind them of home! If you want to, ask them to write back telling you what they are doing! Don’t know a missionary? Ask your church! They will know exactly who to send your letter or package to!
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
Salvation comes from Jesus. God makes it happen, but He can use you to help Him. Do you want to be a part of what God is doing? God wants you to teach others about Jesus.
Read Matthew 28:19
Go and make __________________ of all the_______________, baptizing them in the name of the ______________, the _________, and the ________ _________.
There are many missionaries that go to different countries and share Christ with people who don’t have churches. Next time you go to church, ask if they have any true stories about missionaries. Read their story to see what it’s like to be a missionary. Your mom or dad might be able to help you find a story, too.
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Phillip.
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
After Jesus went to heaven to be with the Heavenly Father, the Holy Spirit came down and started living inside all of those who believe in Jesus. Jesus actually told His disciples that the Holy Spirit would show up. Here is what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit.
Read and write out John 14:26
Who sent the Holy Spirit? What does Jesus say the Holy Spirit will do?
You know that bad feeling you get after you’ve done something wrong? Or maybe you didn’t help someone when you know you should have? Or you lied to your parents when they asked you a question and you feel guilty? That’s the Holy Spirit inside of you.
(Insert word search)
Did you know that people can witness the Holy Spirit in you?
Read Galatians 5:22-23
What are all the fruits of the spirit? (fruit is what should be seen if Christ is in you just like an apple is produced from an apple tree) Which of these fruit do you need to work on? Remember that Jesus said the Holy Spirit will help you.
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
If you read the Old Testament, God lived in a house. The house was called the temple. He doesn’t live in that house anymore. Because of Jesus, He can live inside of you!
You are where God wants to live!
Read 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
Who lives inside of you? What does God call you?
How special you are to God that He would want to live inside of you! He loves you that much! If you believe in Jesus, He is with you always!
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
God has your back. You never have to worry. If He asks you to do something, you can do it because His power is in you. He will give you the strength, the courage, and the words!
Read John 16:13
Fill in the blank. The Holy Spirit will guide and teach you
Think about a lamp today. A lamp can give a room light, but it will never be able to do what it’s supposed to until you plug it into the power source. When a lamp is plugged in, it has power! The same is true for you. You have the Holy Spirit. He is in you. You just have to “plug in” and listen to Him. How? Ever wonder how you remember a Bible verse? That wasn’t you, that was the Spirit! Have you ever been somewhere and you knew that you should be there? That wasn’t you… that was the Spirit! Have you ever thought, I shouldn’t do that; it’s not right? That is the Spirit! He is talking to you all the time, just pay attention and listen.
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of when the Holy Spirit shows up.
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
There was a guy, named Saul, who did not like Jesus, and He did not like those who followed Jesus. He would try to hurt them for sharing the gospel. The good news is that God changed Saul and even changed his name to Paul.
Read Acts 26:9-11
What were all the mean things that Paul did to Christians before he became a Christian?
Paul had a life-changing trip. He actually got to see and talk to Jesus! Read about it here.
Acts 26:12-18
What did Paul see while he was traveling?
Did Jesus know what Paul was doing to people?
Did God want Paul to preach the gospel to people?
Paul didn’t like God, but God gave him a second chance. Paul believed and started sharing Jesus with others!
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
It seems crazy that God would want Paul to tell others about Him. Paul was a mean man and didn’t do what was right. The greatest thing about God is that He will forgive you…no matter what you have done. God gives you grace (forgiveness!). You don’t deserve to have a relationship with Him, but He wants to have one with you!
Read Ephesians 1:7
Does God tell you He will forgive your sin?
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
God loves you and wants good things for you. Paul was doing bad things, but God had good things for Him to do instead. God’s way is always better.
Read Jeremiah 29:11 and write it out.
Think about how God has changed your life. Spend some time today writing a few ways God has changed you!
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Paul.
God can change anyone! It doesn’t matter who you are or what you have done… God can change you. God gives us a great example in His creation… a butterfly! A caterpillar changes into a butterfly! It seems impossible that a butterfly can look so different than it once did, but that’s how God works. Color this picture of the butterfly to remind you of how God can change you for good!
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
Peter and John started sharing Jesus with everyone. The same people that didn’t like Jesus, didn’t like them. Peter and John did nothing wrong, but because they shared the gospel with others, they were put in jail.
Read Acts 4:1-3
Why did Peter and John go to jail? Did people start to believe?
How many people believed in Jesus because of what Peter and John did?
This week memorize Deuteronomy 31:6
Following Christ on earth isn’t always easy, but it’s worth it when you get to spend eternity with God forever. There is not bad stuff in eternity with God. Peter and John got a chance to preach the gospel to the people who put them in jail. Look what these people said about Peter and John after hearing them speak.
Read Acts 4:13
Why were the people astonished by Peter and John?
Did Peter and John have any special training in Scripture? Do you see the lesson you can learn? Spending time with Jesus makes an ordinary person extraordinary.
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
God tells us that we don’t have to be timid.
Read 2 Timothy 1:7. Fill in the Blanks.
The Spirit gives you a power of _________ and of ____________and of ________.
Did you know that the Holy Spirit was the One who raised Jesus from the dead? Did you know that the Holy Spirit was how Jesus was able to do all the miracles He did on earth? Did you know that same Spirit lives inside of you! You can do anything with God on your side!!!!!
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
Read Deuteronomy 31:6 and write out Acts 4:4
What does God ask you to do?
How does God help you be strong and courageous?
Peter and John were not afraid. God was with them so they were able to tell people about Jesus. How many people know Jesus because they were bold?
You probably won’t be thrown in prison for telling someone about Jesus. We live in a country that lets you tell others about Jesus. Did you know there are countries that it’s a crime to tell others about Jesus? Today, pray for Christians around the world to be able to safely share the gospel of Jesus without being hurt.
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Peter and John.
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
Jesus died on the cross for your sins and then He rose again three days later. He walked on earth for a little over a month with His disciples again and then it was time for Him to go be with God. The good news is that He will come back again!
Read Acts 1:9-11
How did Jesus leave this time? What did the two men remind the disciples?
The men who saw Jesus live, die, rise from death, and go up into heaven were most of the men who wrote the New Testament. Jesus changed their lives and they couldn’t wait to tell others about Him.
Read Mark 16:19-20
Where did Jesus go? Who is He sitting next to?
What did the disciples go do?
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
A few weeks ago, you read about Peter being afraid to stand strong for Jesus. Now Peter, along with the other disciples, are telling others about Him! They are changed. When you decide to follow Jesus, you change. You are not your old sinful self anymore. God has forgiven you and made you brand new.
Read 2 Corinthians 5:17
What happens to your old self when you believe in Jesus? How do you change?
The Bible tells us that Jesus went to heaven to be at the “right hand of God”. Draw a picture of God on His throne and Jesus sitting next to Him on the right side.
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
Read Ephesians 4:22-24
How are you different because you believe in Jesus as your Savior?
What should you do that is different because you are changed?
Find a rock and write down the sin you are doing that you want to change and carry it with you. Jesus has already paid the punishment for the sin that you wrote down. He has already forgiven you. The next time you are near a lake, go throw that rock into the lake. Just like you don’t need to keep that heavy rock anymore, you don’t need to keep your sin around anymore.
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Jesus going up to heaven.
Day 1- 01 THE STORYWhile Paul was traveling the world telling others about Jesus, he met a young boy named Timothy. Timothy loved Jesus. Paul wanted Timothy to go with him everywhere he went so he could teach him about sharing Jesus with people. Timothy was young, but he had a strong faith in Jesus.
Read 2 Timothy 1:3-5
What kind of faith does Timothy have? Who also had a sincere faith in his family?
Do you think he learned from his mom and grandmom?
Day 2- 02 THE SOURCE
Paul met Timothy during one of his trips around the world to share Jesus with people.
He went to a church and found young Timothy.
Read Acts 16:1-2
Did the people in the church (the Bible calls them “brothers”) have good things to say about Timothy?
Everything you do should be for the Lord, but if you follow Jesus, others will notice.
Do people notice you follow the Lord?
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
Paul was following God so he challenged Timothy to follow his example.
Timothy learned a lot about following God by watching Paul live for Jesus.
Read 1 Corinthians 11:1
Name 3 people you have watched follow Jesus and learned how to follow Him.
What did you learn from each person?
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
Timothy was young, but God used him for so many cool things! The same is true for you. God has a big plan for you, and He can do big things in you, no matter how old you are!
Read 1 Timothy 4:12 and write out
Even though Timothy was young, Paul challenged him to set an example for others in what ways?
How can you set an example for others with your speech?
How can you set an example for others with your actions?
How can you set an example for others with your love?
How can you set an example for others with your faithfulness to do what you’ve promised?
How can you set an example for others with you are faithful to do what is right?
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Timothy.
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
Paul and a guy named Silas were put in Jail for sharing the gospel. God made an earthquake open the doors of the prison. The prison guard, who was in charge, thought he would be killed for the prisoners escaping, but Paul and Silas didn’t escape! They were singing praise and worship in the jail! They called out to the guard, and look what happened.
Read Acts 16:25-34
What did the Jailer want to know about? Did the Jailer believe in Jesus?
Did the Jailer’s family believe in Jesus?
God does crazy things at crazy times.It is so fun to watch what He does! God wanted that Jailer to know Him. Paul and Silas had to first go to prison. They didn’t deserve to go to prison, but God had planned it so they could meet the Jailer. Not only did the Jailer believe in Jesus, his entire family did, too! Sometimes, hard stuff happens, but God is always in control. God often calls hard times “trials” in the Bible. He says He can make any trial turn into good. You can learn from the example of Paul and Silas. They were not mad…they were singing!
Read James 1:2
How were Paul and Silas joyful when they faced the trial of being in prison?
Circle some ways you can be joyful when something tough happens:
You are sad but still trust God
You pray and ask Him for help
You trust God to be in control
It is hard but you are excited to learn something new from God
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
Read and write out Philippians 4:13
Who gives you strength to do anything?
Do you believe God can give you strength when you are going through something hard?
Philippians 4:13 is a great verse to remind you that God gives you the strength to do what He has asked you to do. Write “Philippians 4:13” on a large rubber band and wear it every once in a while to remind you that you can do anything that God asks you to do… even when it’s hard.
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE (#ffffff BKG) (#51afca Font)
Read Romans 12:12
Fill in the Blanks:
Rejoicing in _____________
Be _____________in hard times
Always be ____________________.
How do you think prayer will help you when something bad happens?
How do you think patience will help you when something bad happens?
What are you going through right now that is tough? How can God help you?
How can you be patient for God to turn it into something good? What if you changed your attitude a little?
If you get scared, you could always listen to or sing some praise and worship. Hearing God can help you feel better.
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from Paul and Silas.
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
God put true stories of people in the Bible so we can learn from their example of being faithful to God. Turn to your Character Bio Sheet and look through all the people in the Bible you have read about. Which story was your favorite and why?
Pick three Bible characters you learned from the most and write what you learned.
God put true stories of people in the Bible so we can learn from their mistakes.
Look over your character Bio Sheet again.
Which person did you learn from their mistakes?
Write down what you learned from this person. (Read their story again if it helps you)
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
Read Psalm 18:30
After reading all about how God worked in the New Testament do you believe God is true? Why?
Do you run to God for protection and help?
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
Read Colossians 3:23
How has reading about the people of the New Testament taught you to do all you do for the Lord?
You finished 9 months of reading God’s Word. We are so proud of you and can’t wait to hear about all you learned this summer. You can be someone that God uses for His plan! Just like all these people you read about this year, YOU are a part of His story, and He loves you and has great things planned for you. Write down one thing you were most challenged in or learned the most about. Share what you’ve been challenged by with your family and friends!
Great Job! Email us at so we can keep track of your progress. In your email, please include:
First Name
Last Name
Kamp you attended last summer
K-1 K-2 K-Seven K-West K-Kountry
Kamp you plan on attending next summer
K-1 K-2 K-Seven K-West K-Kountry
Parent’s First and Lame Name
One thing you learned
Bible Characters- New Testament
At Kanakuk, we will honor everyone who has completed all 3 checkpoints at closing ceremonies
Checkpoint 3 of 3
Day 1- 01 THE STORY
There was a man, who lived in the New Testament, whose name was Barnabas. The name Barnabas means encourager. Barnabas loved Jesus and would encourage people.
Read Acts 11:22-24
How did Barnabas encourage the people at the church?
Barnabas was a good man because he was full of the ___________ and of ____________.
Being encouraged by someone can make you feel special. It can help you do the right thing, and it can help you be who you are meant to be.
Read 1 Thessalonians 5:11
How do you like to be encouraged?
Why do you think it’s important to be encouraged?
Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE
Read Psalm 139:14
What does God say about you in this verse?
How does that make you feel?
Write one short note to someone every day this week to encourage them. They may be your brother or sister, friend, coach, teacher, pastor, etc. Think of the 7 people you want to write a short note to here:
Grab some paper and a pen and write them. It can be as simple as
“Dear Mom, you are the best mom ever.”
Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE
God wants you to encourage others! Encouraging is more than just saying something nice. It’s about challenging them to be more like Christ!
Read Hebrews 10:24
You are supposed to encourage people toward ____________ and _____________.
Below are examples of how you can encourage another:
“You look nice today”
“Great job during the basketball game! You played so great!”
“So proud of you, keep doing a great job.”
“God made you exactly how He wanted to, you don’t need to try to be anybody else.
It’s time to be encouraging all day. Try to find something encouraging to say to everyone you are around today!
Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Barnabas.