Sharing the Gospel


The past three weeks you have seen examples of people who had to defend their faith among opponents of the gospel. This week you are going to look at examples of men who had the opportunity to share the gospel, including Jesus Himself. You will see that in each situation the people don’t know the gospel and are ready to hear it.
Read Acts 8:25-40
Who did Philip find in Gaza?
What do you learn from Philip’s obedience? Did Philip know why God wanted him to do what He asked of him?
What was the Ethiopian reading?
What did he need help with?
How did the Ethiopian respond?
Sometimes there are people who want to know God but just don’t understand. You might get the opportunity to help others understand the gospel of Jesus Christ.
What do you learn from the story?
How can you apply this to your life?


Read Acts 16:14-15
Who was Lydia listening to preach?
Who moved in her heart?
Read Romans 10:17
How did this verse come true in Lydia’s conversion?
Read John 6:44
Who draws people to Himself?
As you share or defend the gospel, you must understand that God is the one who is going to work in the hearts of men and women. He will use you to share, but it will be Him who works in the heart. Anytime Jesus taught His disciples about “planting” seeds (Matthew 9 &13), He always called His disciples the “workers.” Their job was to plan the seed. It was God’s job to harvest it. Remember, you are not in charge of someone’s change of heart. Just be faithful to share your faith and let Jesus be in charge of the results.
What can you learn about the story of Lydia?


Today you are going to learn some lessons from your Master, Jesus Himself. He shares the gospel to a Samaritan woman. Samaritans were not liked by Jews because they were a mixed race. There were even racial tensions back in Jesus’ time. Samaritans were half Jew and half Assyrian. The Jews did not like the world and thought there was no way anyone who was mixed with the world could be God-fearing. They considered her “unclean.” As you read this story, pay attention to the heartache this women shares and pay attention to her knowledge of the coming Messiah even though she was considered by most as unclean. Most importantly, watch how Jesus accepts her and meets her need.
Read John 4:1-26
What did the woman know about the coming Messiah?
How do you think she knew this?
Even though she didn’t know the full story, were the things of God important to her?
How did Jesus explain to her who He was? What did Jesus know about her?
Do you think she felt shame for her life? Did Jesus reject her or help her?
Obviously Jesus knew the woman because He was God, but it’s a good lesson in seeking to understand the story of the person who you are sharing with. People need a Savior and all you have to do is ask and listen for the Lord to show you their needs. Jesus was not afraid of her “unclean” heart because He knew the truth about what could make her clean… His living water. What can you learn from Jesus about sharing the gospel?



Sometimes God will call you to help those who know and love God to fully understand the Gospel.
Read Acts 18:24-28
How is Apollos described? Did Apollos know God’s Word?
Did Apollos’ actions show He loved and believed in God?
What was wrong with Apollos’ teaching?
Who helped him? How did he respond? What were the results?
Apollos only knew about John the Baptist’s baptism, which was a baptism of repentance. He didn’t understand that by believing in Jesus you were filled with the Holy Spirit.
He knew the message of Jesus; he just was missing an important piece of the gospel.
Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17
What are the ways God’s Word is useful?
Do you think God will call you to help other believers grow in their understanding of God’s Word? What ways can you do this?

Read Acts 1:8
Where were the places Jesus told His disciples to share the gospel?
Judea is the part of Israel outside of Jerusalem and Samaria is to the north of Israel. The disciples boldly started sharing the gospel in Jerusalem after Jesus ascended into the heaven and they received the Holy Spirit.
Read Acts 8:1-4
Why did believers scatter? Where did they scatter to?
What did they do when they scattered?
How did God use persecution to do His will?
The only place left to send believers was “the remotest part of the earth.” God was going to begin that part of His will one chapter later in Acts 9 by converting a man named Saul. He is still continuing to ask people to share the good news in all parts of the world today, even in your own community. Will you join Him?


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