Seize The Day


Read Proverbs 1:5 and Proverbs 18:15
God asks you to give your best in all areas of your life. You are supposed to go to school and you need to make it a priority. God is not asking you to be perfect… He asks you to try your best and do it for Him. God can use your school opportunities in the classroom and outside the classroom to grow you into the gifts He has given you. You are young and God is growing you into someone who will give Him glory and influence others.
How has God grown you through your school experiences?
How can you be a light for God at school? How can an unhealthy friendship or relationship keep you from how God wants to grow you in junior high or high school?


Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-20
How do these verses describe the value of teamwork?
Did God plan for you to work alongside other people?
God is preparing you to be a team player in life. You will work with people for various reasons all your life. God gives you opportunities like sports teams and activities to learn how to work alongside others. Make it a priority to get involved in some way that you can work on a team.


Read 1 Timothy 4:12 and memorize.
No matter your age what does God ask you to do?
Read John 13:15
Who is the example you should follow?
Using Jesus’ example write down how you can be an example to others in the areas listed in
1 Timothy 4:12

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You have two options in life. You will either be a good example or bad example. You cannot avoid being an example. People are watching. God wants you to be an example for others. Your faith in God will guide you. Keep the motivation of being a good example at the front of your mind. It will be a good reminder what is important and will help you stay pure.


Read the following verses about sharing the gospel:
Mark 16:15
2 Timothy 4:2
2 Peter 3:15
People would rather see a sermon than hear one.
This is why being an example for Christ is so impactful – it will open doors to share Christ with others.
What are some creative ways you can share the gospel?
Whom are you excited to share Jesus with?

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Since God designed us to work together, Satan will do anything to direct your focus to yourself. Selfishness is the downfall of teamwork. True teamwork is when you can put your own motives aside and come together with others to accomplish a goal you would never be able to accomplish on your own.

Day 5- MANAGE YOUR TIMESpend time today setting your priorities. How do you do this?
Think about what you do each day.
01   Write what you have to do each day in red. (ex: go to school).
02  Now, add in what you have chosen to do (ex: basketball).
03  On another paper, make a list of all the things you want to do (ex: read Bible,           or a hobby) On your list, put numbers by the order of importance.
04  Find time on you schedule for the important ones first.
If they all won’t fit, make sure the important ones are there and then if you have unexpected time … add in the others.
How can managing your time help you with what is important?