Pieces of God’s Armour


Read Ephesians 6:14. What does the belt represent in the armor of God?
Your Bible may say to “gird your loins with truth.” This is a fancy way of saying put on a belt of truth. You wear a belt in the center of your body. Truth should be the center of who you are. A belt makes your clothes stay in place. It holds up your pants and keeps your top tucked in. The truth of God holds everything in your life in place. If you don’t have truth as the center of who you, are nothing else will hold up.
Wear a belt today and remember that the truth you believe is the center of who you are!


Read Ephesians 6:14
The breast plate protects what part of your body?
What does the breastplate represent in God’s armor?
Re- Read 2 Corinthians 5:21
How do you have righteousness?
God has given you righteousness to protect your heart. You can’t fight His battles without Jesus as your Savior. To fight the battle against Satan and the world, you have to be different than the world. Your heart has to be protected. If it’s not, then the world will get to you. Satan is trying to take away your identity along with the rest of the world. He will try to get you to his side, but if your heart is covered with the blood of Jesus there is no way He can get you. You might make mistakes, but you will never be on His side.

Is your heart an important part of your body? In a war, would it be important to protect your heart? Is it important to protect your heart in fighting for the Lord?Thank God that He has given you the ultimate protection against the enemy. Jesus’ righteousness fully protects your heart. There is nothing Satan can do to steal it.


Read Ephesians 6:15. Why are shoes important to a soldiers?
Should a soldier in an army wear dress shoes to battle? What about flip flops?
What do the shoes represent in God’s armor?
Wearing the wrong shoes can be bad. For example, you shouldn’t wear flip flops to play in a soccer game. Flip flips would not give you the opportunity to play to your fullest potential. It seems crazy that God wants His soldiers to have shoes of peace. Wherever God’s soldier goes, His footprint should be or peace, not of war. Yes, you will have to defend and fight to stand strong as God’s soldier, but the goal is to bring people the peace of knowing Jesus and being with Him forever.
What are some ways you can show other’s God’s peace?


Read Ephesians 6:16
Why is the shield important to armor? What does the shield in God’s armor protect you from? What does the shield in God’s armor represent?
The enemy will attack and there is no way to avoid it. So you must have your faith! God’s truth is the belt around your body and your faith in Him is your shield. It will go before you and guard you from the enemy’s attempt to steal your identity. You must not only know God but believe that He is true! Write all the ways you have faith in God.
How can these help you when Satan lies and tells you you’re someone you’re not?


Read Ephesians 6:17
Why is the helmet important in battle? What does your helmet in God’s armor represents?
Your helmet protects your head in battle. The enemy will try to get into your mind. It will look different for every person. He might lie and say you are not good enough. He might put junk in front of your eyes and ears to damage who you are. He might keep your focus on the things that you want. Your mind is important to who you are so the enemy will try to kidnap it. If you cover your head with salvation, it means your mind is always focused on what God wants to do in you.
Re-Read Ephesians 6:17. What weapon does God give you in His armor?
God only gives his soldiers one weapon. That weapon is so powerful it is all the soldier needs. A weapon is usually thought of as being used to take away life. God’s weapon is His Word. His word gives life. As God’s soldier, you will fight the enemy by giving the gift of life. Satan gives death and Jesus gives life.