
Day 1- 01 THE STORY

It was the time in Jesus’ life when He knew that He had to go to Jerusalem to die on the cross. But He had one more miracle to do. Mary and Martha, the girls you read about before, had a brother named Lazarus. Jesus loved Lazarus. Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus that Lazarus was sick. When He got to their home, Lazarus had died. Jesus wanted to teach everyone that He could defeat death.
Read John 11:38-43
What did Jesus do for Lazarus? Do you believe that Jesus can overcome death?


Everyone who saw Lazarus come out of the tomb was grateful and amazed. Later, people would be amazed that Jesus was no longer in the tomb, He rose from the dead!
Read Romans 6:9-10
Will Jesus die again? The word “dominion” is another word for “power”. Death has no power over Jesus. Jesus has power over death! How does this encourage you?

Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE

Jesus can conquer death. He showed His friends and disciples that He could do it with Lazarus, but that was a sneak peek for what He was about to do.
Read 1 Thessalonians 4:14
The words “fallen asleep” in the Bible can mean death. What does God promise will happen to those who believe He conquered death?

Did you notice that the first thing Jesus told Lazarus after He raised him from the dead was to take his grave clothes off? Those grave clothes were stinky and Lazarus was alive. He didn’t need them anymore… he was alive! When you die to Christ and believe in Him as your Savior, He wants you to take your grave clothes off. What? Your grave clothes is your sinful self. There is no need to act like a mummy… you are alive. Start living for Jesus!

Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVEDid you know that if you believe in Jesus you really don’t die? You leave earth but just move onto the next part of your life… life in heaven with God forever. Jesus defeated death so we don’t have to be afraid. He gives us hope. It could help you to think of your life as having two parts. Part 1 is your life on earth, and Part 2 is your life in eternity forever.
Read Romans 8:37-39
What did Jesus do for us?
Can anything separate you from His love?

Day 5- 05 CAUGHT IN THE ACTYou and your family are citizens of a country. Most Kanakuk Kampers are citizens of the United States but some are citizens from another country. Some people move to other countries but are still citizens of the country they came from. For example, if you are an American but move to England to live, you are actually a citizen of America. God tells us in the Bible that we are citizens of heaven. That is really our home. We just live on earth for a little while.
Read and memorize Philippians 3:20
Today spend some time thanking Jesus for conquering death. You couldn’t live forever with Him if He didn’t do it. Think about writing Jesus a letter as a way of thanking Him!

Write down on your character sheet what you learned from the story of Lazarus.