
Day 1 –  THE STORY

Josiah was also a king of Israel. Josiah was King David’s great (times 14) grandson. He was a good king and did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. He became king when he was a teenager and Israel wasn’t following God like they were supposed to. The temple of the Lord needed to be fixed so Josiah ordered that it be fixed. While they were working on it, a man found the Book of the Law. The Book of the Law was God’s Word and Israel was supposed to be using it to know what to do. They had lost it for years and were not doing anything in the book! Check out what Josiah did when he read the Book of the Law.

Read 2 Kings 22:11-13


Josiah, even though he was the king of God’s people, did not know what God’s Word said. Nobody in his life taught it to him. When he read God’s Word for the first time, He was ashamed that no one had been following what God said. For years, Israel had forgotten God’s Word and lived how they wanted. God needed a good leader to bring them back to it and that is exactly what Josiah did.

Read 2 Kings 23:1-3

What does Josiah promise God that he will do?

What do his people do?

Do you think Josiah was a good leader? Why?


Jesus was a great leader. He spent all of His time with His disciples showing them how to be a great leader.

Read John 13:15

What does Jesus say the disciples should do?

How did Jesus teach them?

Why do you think Jesus was a good leader?

Day 4 – THE MOTIVEJosiah was young but he was a great leader. He led by example and people wanted to follow him. Did you know that you can be a leader?

Read 1 Timothy 4:12

What does this verse tell you to do, no matter how old you are?

If you do these things, how are you a good leader?

What are some ways that you can be an example to others?

Day 5 – CAUGHT IN THE ACTWrite a letter to a leader that you look up to and ask them about what it takes to be a good leader. Send it to them and give them an envelope with your address and a stamp so they can send it back to you! Ask your parents to help you with this.