Joshua and Caleb

Day 1 –  THE STORY

After God’s people left Mount Sinai, they headed back to the land that God wanted them to live in. God had promised this land to them and it was awesome. Moses was the people’s leader. When they got close, Moses sent 12 spies into the land to see what it was like. The spies told everyone what they saw when they came back. All of the spies said the land had lots of awesome food and would be a perfect place to live. 10 of the spies said they shouldn’t go because they were scared of the people in the land even though God asked His people to go. Two of the spies, named Joshua and Caleb, trusted that God would take care of them and said, “Let’s go!”

Read Exodus 20:1-17

Think back on what you have learned about the story of Moses.

How had God already protected His people?

Did the people have any reason to be afraid of what God had asked them to do?

Why do you think they were still afraid? If you don’t know the answer, think about why you are afraid to do things God asks you.


Joshua and Caleb were very brave because they stood up for what was right, even when everyone else did not. It was probably easier to side with the other spies or not say anything; but Joshua and Caleb were not worried about fitting in. They knew what God had promised and were confident that He would help them.

Read Numbers 14:6-9

What did Joshua and Caleb tell God’s people?

Have you ever been afraid to stand up for what is right when everyone else was saying or doing something different?

Who gave Joshua and Caleb courage to stand strong?

How can God give you courage to stand strong when no one else does?


Joshua and Caleb were able to stand strong because they believed God always makes His promises come true. They both knew, without a doubt, that God would have a way of dealing with all the hard stuff if He promised the land. The world and the people in it will do what feels right to them most of the time. The other spies felt scared and tried to keep people from doing what God had told them to do. Joshua and Caleb knew what was right and they stood up for it because they were confident that God would be faithful. It is always easier to stand up for someone when you know they will always stand up for you. Here is a Bible verse that can encourage you to stand up for God.

Read Hebrews 10:23

Even when the world is doing something different, how can you be confident in God?

What can you learn from Joshua and Caleb about standing strong?


The more and more you let the world be #1, the more you will blend in and choose not to stand up for God.

Read Romans 12:1

What does this verse say not to do?

What does this verse say will happen if we block out the world and focus on God?

Have you ever done what felt right instead of what you knew was right?

Is there some way that you need to stand up for God by doing what is right?


Grab a rubber band and write Romans 12:1 on it. Wear it around today and when you are in a situation where you could stand up for what God wants you to do, let it remind you that being faithful to the world is not worth it. Be different! Stand out!

Give it a try

Joshua and Caleb were different. Here is a little way to remember what it takes to be different.

Brags about God

Encourages Others

Does Good

In God’s Word



Excited to Obey

Relies on God

Earnestly Prays

Nice and Kind

Trust in God