
Day 1 –  THE STORY

Moses led Israel for many years. When he grew old and couldn’t lead anymore, a man named Joshua became the leader of Israel. Joshua is the same Joshua you read about last week. He stood up for God and God made him a great leader. God gave Joshua the job of leading his people into their land by taking it back from the people who shouldn’t be living there. You already know that Joshua was a man who chose to do what is right. He was also a pretty fierce warrior. In just seven short years, Joshua defeated 31 kings! Of course he couldn’t do it without God. Today, read what God tells Joshua when he first becomes the leader of Israel.

Read Joshua 1:1-9

What are all the things God tells Joshua that He has planned for him to do?

What are the promises that God makes Joshua?


The book of the law was what Joshua and the people called God’s Word. Today, we call it the Bible. God tells Joshua something really important. He gives him the secret to his success as a leader. Investigate what it is today.

Read Joshua 1:7

What does God tell Joshua will make him successful?

You are reading the Bible this year and that is awesome.

Are you taking the time to do what it says?

If you stick to reading the Bible and doing what it says, you will be successful! Remember that God’s definition of success is different than the world’s definition. Reading the Bible might not make you rich and famous, or give you all that you want on the earth. What it does is even better. It tells you how special you are and takes you on an adventure to find out what God has planned only for you!


Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Write down how God’s Word, which is the Bible, is described.

What does God’s Word do? How does God’s Word make you successful?

Did you know that the words “God Breathed” or “Inspired” literally mean “the breath of God? The Bible tells us that it is God’s Word and He actually spoke every word!

No wonder God’s Word will make you successful.


Read Joshua 1:7

Why is it important for Joshua to think about God’s Word and speak it all the time?

God is asking Joshua to memorize His words. Why do you think it’s important to memorize Bible verses?


Write out Joshua 1:9 and memorize this verse today. The next time you memorize a verse, maybe you can draw your own picture to help you!