Is There More Than One Way

Day 1- Read Psalm 62:1-2 and Ephesians 2:8-9

Who gives salvation in Psalm 62:1-2? Does it list anyone else?
According to Ephesians, is there anything you can do to be saved?
Do you believe salvation comes from you?

Day 2- Read John 14:6, Titus 2:11 and 2 Corinthians 5:21

How does Jesus describe Himself in John 14:6?
Does Jesus believe there is another way to salvation?
Does the verse in Titus contradict what Jesus says in any way?
Re-read 2 Corinthians 5:21. If there was another way to salvation, why would God put Jesus through all that pain, trouble and effort?

Day 3- Read Acts 4:10-12 and Revelation 19:1

What does Acts 4:12 say about salvation?
According to the verse in Revelation, who does salvation belong to?
Does the world promote different ways to salvation? What are some of those?
After reading these verses, are any of those true? Why not?


God describes the road to salvation as a narrow gate and the road to destruction as broad. There are many different lies about how to be saved. There are religions, beliefs, and theories that try to explain salvation. Satan doesn’t care what lie you believe as long as you don’t believe in Jesus. It can seem easy, while you are living on earth, to go with the flow and blend into the crowd going through the broad gate. But, in the light of eternity, your life on earth is so small. You will be forever grateful for choosing the narrow gate. Salvation is in Jesus alone.


Write down what you believe: Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God?
Why do you believe what you believe?

Day 5- APPLY IT.

Take what you learned from the last week and apply it to what you know. Share your beliefs with a friend today. Tell them why you believe what you believe.


After all you have read about salvation, are you convinced that you need a Savior? Are you recognizing for the first time that you are a sinner and your sin has eternal consequences? If this is the first time that God has revealed Himself to you as Savior, He wants to call you His. He loves you so much and will welcome you to His kingdom with open arms. It doesn’t matter what you have done or how bad it’s been. You have an invite to be His… forever. Are you in? He has done all the work – just tell Him you believe. Tell Him you are sorry for what you have done. Tell Him you are excited for Him to make you new. Get ready for the most exciting adventure of freedom, purpose, and peace. Go shout it from the mountaintops… You Are His!


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