I Will Discipline You

Read Hebrews 12:5-6
Who does God discipline? Should you ignore or be defensive when God disciplines you? Be thankful that you have a God who loves you just the way you are. Be even more thankful that God loves you too much to let you stay the way you are. He punishes sin so that you can grow in your walk with Jesus!
Read Hebrews 12:11
Does God recognize that discipline is hard to go through? Why does God promise that it’s worth it? God understands how tough discipline is for you, but He does it anyway because He knows it’s the best thing for you. The best attitude to have with God and your parents is to say you are sorry, faithfully take your punishment without complaining and change your actions. Remember that God promises to help you.
Read Hebrews 12:11
Who does God correct? Think about it… when you are at the store, have you ever seen your mom or dad discipline a child they don’t know over on the next aisle? Of course not, because the kid one aisle over is not theirs. If you do the same actions as that child one minute later, they will discipline you because you are their child. God loves you, so if He is disciplining you, that means you are His. His discipline is another confirmation that you are His.
Read Proverbs 13:1
What does a wise kid do? God promises to forgive and He already has forgiven you for your mistakes. If you are wise, you will learn from the temporary consequences you might face while you live on earth. If you do, God will make you more wise about how to live for Him.

In Malachi 3:3, God describes Himself as a refiner of silver. It’s a really cool analogy to explain how God uses things such as trials and discipline to help us be better. Did you know that the metal silver in its raw form (meaning when it comes straight from the earth), has lots of imperfections? It’s actually not that cool looking. A silver refiner puts the piece of silver into the fire to remove the imperfections. He does this until the silver is pure. God uses discipline to help you get rid of your imperfections. He is not talking about the way you look. He is talking about the imperfection in your character called sin.
Read 2 Corinthians 7:10
The word grief is another way to say “pain.” You can experience pain when God gives you a situation that is hard. You can also experience Godly pain when God disciplines you. God understands that there is pain, but it leads to you being sorry for your sin. What does Godly grief promise to produce? What does worldly grief promise to produce? Read Matthew 5:3 What does the poor in spirit inherit from God?