How did God create man? Who is man supposed to look like? Read Genesis 1:27God created everything you see on earth. He created every animal, insect, plant, bird, fish, ocean, lake, tree, flower, and everything! God loves all of His creation but He made only one thing in His image: humans. That means you are created in God’s image. Knowing that God made everything but picked only one thing to be made in His image, how special are people to God? If He made you in His image, do you think His promise that He knows you best is true?
What does it mean to be made in God’s image?
Read Ephesians 4:22-24 In verse 24, how is God’s likeness described? To be like Christ, what do you have to throw away?
God knows you best because He created you with the ability to look like Him. A mirror is a good example that explains how you are created in God’s image. A mirror is created to reflect your image, but it can only do that if you stand in front of it. Otherwise, it will reflect any image that you put before it. God created you to look like Him and His character. Since He made you, you should put Him in front of you so you can reflect Him!MEMORIZE IT.
Write out Matthew 5:16 on your mirror and memorize it this week. If you write it on your bathroom mirror, you will read it every day and it will remind you to reflect Christ in all you do. *Hint: use a dry erase marker or tape a notecard to your mirrorSIN KEEPS YOU FROM LOOKING LIKE GOD
What keeps you from looking like God’s image?
Read Romans 3:23
We are all sinners. Sin comes from choosing your own way. God knows you sin and created you in His own image to provide a way to overcome your sin. Like a mirror, your life will reflect all the things you put in front of it. If you always put what you want in front of you, you will be a reflection of someone who puts their worth into the things you have. God’s promise that He knows you best is true! Over the next few days, you will learn how God helps you reflect His image. End today writing in the mirrors below what you reflect because of your sin. (For example, you could write the word “selfish, mean, or liar.” Use the word that describes your sin.)
How can you overcome your sin?
Read Romans 6:23 What do you deserve for sinning?
What does Jesus give you?
God knows you best, and did all the work for you to overcome your sin. He sent Jesus to die on the cross for your sins so that you don’t have to pay the penalty for doing bad things. Jesus gives you eternal life and… Read 2 Corinthians 5:21 What do you become because of what Jesus did? God built you to reflect His image! You have to believe in Jesus as your Savior and put Him before yourself!
You are a mirror for Jesus! The world can see Him in you! If you are created to be like Him, then shouldn’t you look to Him for how to live? Pretend you are a mirror and the more you put God in front of you, the more you will reflect Him. Read Matthew 5:16. How will others see God in you? Write or draw ways you can be a light and reflect Jesus to others today. Example: being kind or giving up something to someone who may not have one.