I Have Defeated Evil

Read John 3:8
Why did God appear? Who has been sinning from the beginning? God came to defeat evil and bring salvation! Because of the bad things in the world, it sometimes may seem like God has not defeated evil. But remember, He has promised you that He is patient. He has also promised you that He is in control and there is no way evil can overcome Him!
Read Galatians 1:4
What does God promise He can rescue you from? Everyone knows the story of Cinderella and how she was rescued by her prince from a life of evil with her stepmother and sisters. God rescues you from the evil in the world by giving you salvation. Someday, God will bring you home to His Kingdom to live forever and you will be rescued from all evil! You are living a real life fairytale! Disney’s got nothing on Jesus!
Read Hebrews 2:14-15
By Jesus dying on the cross and rising again, whose power did He break? Satan has no power over God. You have to be careful because He does a good job of using your sin to have power over you… if you let Him. You have victory in Jesus. Satan can’t steal your salvation, but He can steal your purpose and potential. He can keep you from doing great things for God. Remember, God promises that with Him on your side there is nothing you can’t overcome.
Read Colossians 1:13
Where did God rescue you from? Where does God take you? Memorize this verse today! Aren’t you glad you live in light?
Read Revelation 17:14
When Christ returns, Satan will try to stop Him one last time. The Bible tells us what will happen. What does it say? Who will be with Jesus when He does this? Did you realize that you get to see Jesus put Satan in His place? Yep, you read that right! Jesus is going to return to earth someday and put an end to Satan for good. Thank God today for the promise that He will return and stop Satan for good!
I don’t think Mr. Disney intended for his fairytale movies to be an example of the things God can do for you, but it’s kind of fun to see how other Disney stories can represent ways God rescues you. Snow White: She was tempted to eat the apple which caused her death, but true love gave her life. Man sinned when He ate the apple in the garden, but God’s love broke the curse of sin when He gave His life for us. Cinderella: She was rescued from the evil family who made her their slave. The prince rescued her, made her his bride and brought her to His kingdom. God will one day completely rescue us from evil and the sin of the world and bring us into His Kingdom to live with Him forever. Belle: She loved the unlovable beast and it restored Him to who He was born to be. God loves the unlovable, those who sin, and His love through His grace and mercy restores you back to who He made you to be. The Little Mermaid: She traded her voice to get earthly things, but love was able to restore her voice. Sometimes we trade what God gave us to glorify Him for the things of the world. God loves you and is able to restore what is broken by the world.