

There are religions that base their entire theology on avoiding the existence of hell. Usually what happens is the person who forms the religion has a problem with hell and twists Scripture to make what they want come true.
Read 2 Timothy 4:3. What do people do according to this verse?
These people will challenge you by saying the Bible doesn’t say hell exists. You need to be ready with verses to show them the Bible speaks to hell’s existence.
Read Matthew 25:46. What does this verse say the righteous and the wicked go?
Read Luke 16:19-31. What happened to the rich man?
What was the place like where he was? Could He leave where he was? If not, according to this passage, why not? What did Jesus want Lazarus to go and do?
What was Abraham’s response?
I don’t want you to miss the end of this story. The rich man wanted Lazarus to be resurrected and go tell his family. Abraham told the rich man that his family had God’s Word (law and prophets is what an Israelite would have called it). Jesus is making it clear to His disciples that God’s Word is enough to convince a man to change from his ways. This is important for you to understand. No one who gets to hell will have a reason to blame God. The rich man knew his decisions were his doing so he wanted to warn his family to not make the same decision. God’s Word is enough for you to make a decision and He will give you enough time to turn to Him.
Re-read 2 Peter 3:9 again and memorize this verse.
Read Romans 1:20. Why are men without excuse? How can man see the truth of God?
We need to be sharing the gospel with people, but we must remember that God is able to reveal truth to a man, even if a missionary never gets to him.


Read 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9
Who will God punish?
What will they be separated from?
Read Isaiah 59:2
What happens when you have sin?
Your choices on earth have eternal consequences. Sin will separate you from God forever if it is not covered in Jesus’ blood. He has already poured out His blood and will invite all men to be covered. But sadly, there will be men who choose not to accept His invitation to be covered. This earthly choice is on the person, not God.


Read Psalm 145:20
What does this verse say the Lord will do for the righteous?
What will the Lord do for the wicked?
Many people have a problem with this verse but you must remember that God has provided a way for ALL to be righteous. God’s heart is for no one to experience His wrath. If you are struggling with this, stop right here and go back and spend more time on God’s attributes. You don’t want an unholy God who has tolerance for sin. If He has tolerance, then He cannot save you from sin and its destruction. You do want a holy God who is patient with sinners, and has provided a way to avoid it. Guess what, this is the God you serve!


Scaring someone into salvation is not a good defense of the gospel. Yes, the reality of hell is a truth that needs to be shared, but allow the goodness of God to shine through your message instead of the “fire and brimstone” scare tactic that doesn’t show fully who God is! Encourage people to choose God, not avoid hell. Read the story of Jesus with the woman at the well. He didn’t scare her to believe. He simply offered her living water. Read John 4:7-45


Read Revelation 21:8. Who are the people listed who are destined for destruction?
There are many passages that list the character of a non-believer. Please do not make the mistake of misusing Scripture. All of the offenses listed above are forgivable. God is able to cover these sins. The Greek language used here are adjectives not verbs. If you have committed or are practicing these sins, there is hope for you. It is the people who persist in doing these sins in unbelief for all of their earthly life. These people who rejected the salvation of Jesus and chose to become these things for life… this is who God is speaking of. Only God knows the heart of a man and can make the true judgment. If you know someone like this and they are still alive… start praying instead of judging… there is still hope.
Read Romans 1:18-32. List out the choices an evil person makes to reject God.
What did they do in spite of knowing God? What did they profess of themselves?
What did they exchange God for?
In verse 26, does God show that He allows people to choose?
Do you think He wants people to choose evil? What ends up happening?
This passage is true for everyone who does not believe. Is their decision on God or on them?
When the topic of hell comes up, it’s so easy to point our finger at God and question Him. But we should be pointing our finger at our own sinful choices and thanking God for giving us a way out.


All man has sin, the Bible is clear about this. Jesus’ blood can cover any sin. It has paid sin’s price and there is no sin out of God’s ability to save. The Bible uses fire to describe God’s dealings with sin. The reality is that every man on earth will experience His fire. If you believe in Jesus you will experience God’s refining fire. Your sin is covered and you will avoid eternal punishment, but you will experience God purifying you of your sin so that you can be a light for Him on earth.
Read 1Peter 1:76-7. Why does God put you through the refiner’s fire?
Read Zechariah 13:9. What does God say He will do? What is the result?
The precious metal silver in its raw form is black because it’s filled with dross. The dross means “impurities.” A person who refines silver puts the silver in the fire and pulls it out. The fire removes the impurities. The refiner will do this until the impurities are gone and he can see his reflection. How does this life example explain how God refines those He loves? Is there something He is refining in you right now? How has He refined you?