

Many people have many views on how you get to heaven. Be ready to have an answer to what the Bible says about eternal life.
Read Ephesians 2:8-10
How, according to this verse, do you not gain eternal life? Who determines this? This mindset seems great at first until you realize you would never, ever be confident and therefore never at peace. This belief gives man the definition of good instead of God. Man has never agreed on what is good and what is not, so this would bring confusion.
01 If you believe good works get you to heaven – Who determines what is enough? What if you go through a season where you are not doing good works? Who is keeping track? Again, this is life with no confidence and no peace. This belief gives credence to selfish ambition. Why look to God when it’s all on you?
02 If you believe there is no heaven, just death – We would live in a suicidal society more than we already are. This belief puts all stock into life on earth. Who would even want to believe this?
03 If you believe in heaven from a good God who gives eternal life through belief.  This gives hope, gives security, gives peace of mind and inspires thankfulness to the Giver.


Heaven exists and the next few days are simply going to add Scripture to your “tool belt” to make a defense for heaven. There are many people who believe different things, but you must know what the Bible says.
Read 2 Corinthians 5:8. Where does the Bible say you go when you die?
Read Philippians 1:21-23
What does Paul say is better… living with Christ in eternity or living on earth?
Do you believe heaven will be better than life on earth? How are you living out this belief?


Read John 14:2-4. What does Jesus promise He is doing for us?
Do you realize this is the same God who created the earth?
Do you trust His ability to create something awesome?
Colossians 3:2-4
What will happen to those who have hidden their life in Christ?
What should you do according to verse 2?


In the midst of telling His disciples about parables, Jesus changes His wording. He had previously told all of the last few stories using general terms. This story uses actual names. If anyone other than God Himself had told it, we might have reason to question it. Since Jesus knows the things of heaven and has seen them we can trust the picture of heaven and hell given. You will have many questions and we will focus on the picture of hell next week. Today, just focus on what God wants to show you about heaven.
Read Luke 16:19-31. What is heaven like? Who was there?
Do you think we can recognize people in heaven? (Were people recognizable?)
What is between heaven and hell? What does “fixed chasm” mean?
Since there is a fixed chasm, can you do anything to get kicked out of heaven?


God tells us that after Jesus returns, He will set up a new heaven and new earth where we will live with Him forever. Read about it and see if that is a place you would want to live.
Read Revelation Chapter 21-22
Write down the descriptions of what God will prepare for those who love Him.