God is In Control

Day 1 – Read Job 42:2The word “thwart” is a funny word. It means to prevent something from happening. You wear a rain jacket to thwart you from getting wet. You wear sunscreen to thwart being sunburned. This Bible verse tells us that God can do anything and nothing can thwart His plan. God is in control of everything that happens and nothing can stop Him from what He wants to do.

Day 2 – Read Job 42:2Write it down

Memorize this verse today.

Day 3

Today, think of all the people who are in control of your life and answer the following questions.
Did you know that God is in control of everything that has happened and will happen in history?
Did you know that God is in control of everything that happens, even in your life?
Do you feel safe and secure knowing that God, who is good, is in control?

Day 4

Have you ever played the board game Life? It’s a game where you roll the dice, and as you move, you experience different things about life. In the game, if you pass a certain point you might be able to buy a car. When you land on certain spaces, you pull a card that might tell you to go back 5 steps because your car broke down. You roll the dice for things such as what job you will do or how many kids you have.
Sometimes, landing on certain spots makes you pay money for going to the doctor, or you might receive money because you won a prize. It’s a fun game, and if you have it, you should play it. The dice and the cards are in control of the game. Everything that happens while you play is based on what you roll or what card you draw. Real life is NOT like the game of Life. Your life does not depend on a random card drawing or a chance dice roll. God has planned it all out for you and is in control. There is no need to worry.

Did you know?

All throughout the Bible, Satan tried to stop God’s plan to save you? One example is when God parted the Red Sea for His people. The people were running away from Pharaoh’s army who was chasing them. When they came to the Red Sea, they had no way to cross it. Those people were Jesus’ ancestors. If they died, it meant Jesus, your Savior, couldn’t be born. Nothing can stop God so He parted the Red Sea, and His people walked across on dry land to safety!

Day 5

Today, write down why you are thankful that God is in control.