God is Faithful

 Day 1 – Read Psalms 100:5There are many things and many people that will let us down. Many people make promises and then break them by not living up to those promises. When God promises something, He will always be faithful to make that promise come true. God will never let you down.

Day 2 – Read Psalms 100:5.

Write it out and memorize it.

Day 3

Has anyone or anything made you a promise that didn’t come true?
How did you feel when that promise was broken?

Has anyone made a promise to you and was faithful to make the promise come true?

How did you feel when they kept their promise? Did it help you trust them more?

How does knowing God will keep His promises help you trust him?

Day 4

Write on a piece of paper, God is Faithful to Keep This Many Promises! 
Grab a glass cookie jar and put the piece of paper in the jar against the side where you can read the writing. Fill the jar with 3000+ rocks, marbles or jellybeans. Put this on your shelf to remind you that God’s faithfulness is huge!

Day 5

Spend time today thanking God for all the ways He has been faithful to you. Write them down and place them in your Bible at Psalm 100:5. You can add to it when you see His faithfulness another time.

BIGGER & Did you know that there are more than 3000 promises God has made to you?