Fishers of Men

Day 1- 01 THE STORY

Jesus spent time with 12 men who learned from Him and watched Jesus be God for three years. Here is one story of two brothers who Jesus asked to follow Him.
Read Matthew 4:18-20
What was Peter and Andrew’s job?
What did Jesus say He would teach them to do if they followed Him?


Peter and Andrew were not really going to fish for men in the water.  Jesus was using an example to help them understand what He wanted them to do. He wanted them to stop catching real fish for a living and instead tell men about Jesus and bring them to Jesus. If you are a believer, you are a “fisher of men” too.
Read Mark 15:16
What does God tell you to do here?

Day 3- 03 THE SOURCE

God sent Jesus to save you from your sin. He will also send you to tell others about Himself.
Read John 20:21
Why do you think God wants you to tell others about Himself?


If it’s pretty outside this weekend, ask your mom or dad if you can go fishing. As you fish, remember that God wants you to be a fisher of men and tell others about Himself! If it’s too cold or you don’t have stuff to fish, you could always play the card game “Go Fish!”

Day 4- 04 THE MOTIVE

Did you know every country has a job called an Ambassador? America has a person who is hired to be an Ambassador in almost every country on earth. That person is an American but lives in the country to help the people there understand what is like to be an American. Did you know that God has given you the job of Ambassador? God wants you to live on earth and help people understand who God is, and that they need Him.
Read 2 Corinthians 5:20
Write down some ideas how you can tell others they need Jesus.


Write down a friend’s name whom you want to tell about Jesus.
Pray for God to help you and then go tell them!

Write down on your character sheet what you learned from this part of the story of when Jesus called his fishers of men.