Example of Forgiveness

Day 1- JESUS

God planned for Jesus to experience (in the most horrific way) people wronging Him to show us He can give you the strength to forgive.
Read Luke 23:1-34
Using what you have read here and what you have read before about the gospel, how did the people “wrong” Jesus?
Did Jesus deserve to go through what He went through? Did Jesus do anything they accused Him of doing wrong?
Read Luke 23:34
What did Jesus ask God for the people who were wronging Him?
Did Jesus have a forgiving heart? What do you learn from Him? Spend some time today praying for God to help you have a forgiving heart, no matter what happens to you.


Read Genesis 37:18-26
Did Joseph deserve what happened?
How bad, in your opinion, is what Joseph’s brothers did?
How would you have responded?
Read Genesis 45:1-19
How did Joseph respond to his brothers?
Why do you think Joseph did this?
What can you learn about forgiveness from Joseph?
Read Romans 8:28
What does God do in bad situations?
How does God’s ability to overcome anything help you forgive others?
Joseph was able to forgive because he realized it was God’s plan for him to go to Egypt. If you trust God can use any situation for your good and His purposes, it will be easier to forgive those who wrong you.
What do you learn about forgiveness from Joseph’s example?
How can you apply it to your life?


Read the entire story about Joseph and how God used tough circumstances to get him where God wanted him to be. 
– Genesis 37, 39-45


King Saul spent most of his time as king trying to kill David. Saul eventually died and David became king. It would have been totally natural for David to be unforgiving to any of Saul’s family who was still alive. He could have held a grudge, but look what he did.
Read 2 Samuel 9:1-11. How did David treat Saul’s grandson?
Read Leviticus 19:18. What does God ask His people not to do?
Have you ever held a grudge against someone associated with the person who wronged you? Does God ask you to forgive those people?
Read Ephesians 4:31-32
What does God ask you to put away? Do you think putting away these things helps you forgive? Is there anyone who you hold a grudge against because they associate themselves with someone who has wronged you? How should you respond to them?


Read Luke 15:11-24
How had the son wronged the father? How did the father show his son he had forgiven him? What can you learn from the father? How does what the father did for his son reflect what Jesus will do for you? Sometimes people will wrong you and there will be nothing you can do about it. The son shamed his father’s name through a sinful life and was living a life of true disappointment to his family. It was clear in how the father responded that he had a forgiving heart. He loved his son so much that his return was enough. People may wrong you and sometimes the right reaction is to let people live how they want to live. If you are truly God’s servant, you, like the father, will be ready and waiting to forgive before they decide to say, “I’m sorry.” What do you learn about forgiveness from the father’s example? How can you apply it to your life?


In Jesus’ time, an adulterous women could be stoned for her unfaithfulness.
Jesus shows others that there is no degree of sin that He will not forgive.
Read John 8:1-11
What did Jesus do when they were trying to stone the women for her sin?
Did the people who had stones in their hands sin?
What happened? Did Jesus have a right to condemn her? What did Jesus do instead?
Read Romans 12:19. Who will avenge evil? Should you avenge evil? Why not?
Read 2 Peter 3:9. Why is God, who has the right to condemn, slow to anger?
What do you learn about forgiveness from Jesus’ example?