
Day 1 –  THE STORY

Daniel was a young, Israelite boy when Israel was defeated by another country, called Babylon, and taken into captivity. The King of Babylon took Daniel and his friends and made them work for him. The people of Babylon lived differently than the Israelites. God had commanded the Israelites not to eat certain food, but people from Babylon ate those foods. The king wanted Daniel and his friends to disobey God and eat the food. Daniel did not want to disobey God. He wanted to do what was right. See what happened.

Read Daniel 1:8-20

What was the deal Daniel made with the official in Babylon?

Do you think Daniel knew that obeying God would work out for him?

What happened?

Read Daniel Chapter 6. Daniel was ordered by law to stop praying to God, but he continued to pray and worship God. As punishment he was thrown into a lions’ den to be killed. The Bible says that angels shut the mouths of the lions and God saved Daniel because he trusted in Him!


Choosing God’s way is a decision. If you want to do what is right, you have to choose to be the person who does right long before something or someone challenges you to do something wrong. Daniel was not afraid to stand up to do what was right no matter where he was and no matter what it meant for his life.

Read Daniel 1:8

What was Daniel’s decision? How did Daniel obey and trust God in this situation?


God’s ways seem crazy sometimes. Why would He care about what Israel ate? Sometimes we don’t understand why God does something. But if you know Him, it’s easy to trust Him no matter what He asks. God has a reason for everything He does.

Read Isaiah 55:8

What does this verse say about God’s ways?


God made Daniel and his friends stronger than all the people in the king’s service. Because he did what was right, everyone noticed how strong he was, even the king.

Read Luke 11:28

Why is it hard to obey God sometimes?

Were Daniel and his friends blessed because they obeyed?

Do you believe you are blessed if you obey?


What are some ways that God has asked you to obey Him? Have you obeyed?

Decide today if you trust God. Do you trust Him? If your answer is “yes” make your decision today to obey Him, even when no one else does.