Consider Others


If you wholeheartedly serve God then there is no way you will not serve others. Jesus taught His disciples about His kingdom and explained doing things for people in the kingdom is the same as doing things for the King.
Read Matthew 25:34-40
How did the people feed the King, clothe the King and give shelter to the King? Does God link serving others with serving Him? If you have no concern for others, are you serving God?
Read 1 John 3:17-18
What is NOT in you if you have no pity for others’ needs? Is your love of God linked to loving others? What are some ways you can love God by loving others?
Here is the deal. King Jesus sees the people in His kingdom as His own. If you help them, you help Him. Do you see why selflessness is so important?


Your service to others should reflect God’s service to you.
Read John 15:12-14
What is God’s definition of a true friend? How does God show you He is your truest friend?
Are you His friend? In other words, are you selfless enough to lay your life down for Him?
Are you willing to lay your life down for others?
It is hard for anyone to give his/her life for another. God wants you to feel the struggle so you understand how much He loves you. The struggle you are feeling was not even an issue for Him. He had no second thoughts in giving up His life for you. Pretty awesome, huh? The crazy thing is just simply laying down your plans, desires, time, or even motives for another can reflect to others what Jesus did for you.
Read 1 John 3:16. How can you “lay your life” down for others in general?
How can you “lay your life down for another” today?


God is so confident that you do well at loving yourself that He simply challenges you to love others as well as you love yourself.
Read Luke 10:27
Who are you to love first? What are the three ways listed that you should love God?
How can you love God with your heart and desires?
How can you love God with your soul? How can you love God with your mind?
How can you love God with your strength? Does loving God require selflessness?


It is easy to ignore God’s requests for you to love your enemies. Before you do, remember that the Bible says, because you are a sinner, when you were without Jesus you were once God’s enemy (Colossians 1:21). Aren’t you glad He loved you despite the fact you were His enemy? Read Luke 6:35. Who are you to love? Who are you to do good to?
What are you motives in doing good to your enemies?
What is God like to His enemies? Why is “doing good” towards an enemy hard? Do you have an enemy? If so, how can you do good for them without expecting anything in return? Did you know that if God knew that no man, ever in all of history, would believe in Him, He still would have done all the work on the cross to save mankind. That is how selfless He is. He doesn’t expect anything in return but He does GIVE you something in return… forgiveness, freedom from sin and eternal life.


Our society throws “love” around so much it has lost its true meaning in the world. Love has become an emotion. The world has simply demoted it to being a feeling. But love is an action. Loving someone is a choice. Loving someone is defined by selfless actions which inspire the highest potential in the one that is loved. In other words, loving another makes them better.
Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Make a list of all the God defined qualities of love.
Looking at your list, take each quality and write down some applicable ways you can actually do these things. Write down general examples and specific ones in your own life.
How do you think you will make an impact for Jesus if you were selfless in all these ways?