
Day 1 –  THE STORY

You read about Ruth last week, so this week we will continue on with her story. Ruth went with Naomi back to Israel, but they had no food. So Ruth decided to go to the harvest fields to collect some food. While the workers harvested the grain, Ruth followed behind picking up anything that dropped or was left behind. Have you ever heard of a homeless person digging out uneaten food from a dumpster because they don’t have food? This is what Ruth was doing. They were eating off of what other people threw out. Boaz, the owner of the field saw her doing this. Not only did Boaz let her pick up the left over grain… look what else he did.

Read Ruth 2:1-16

How much did Ruth work everyday? How did Boaz go above and beyond in helping Ruth? Giving Ruth grain was more than enough, but what else did he give her?


Boaz saw a need and he was compassionate in giving Ruth what she needed. It was extremely nice to let Ruth pick up the leftovers, but Boaz went above and beyond. Roasted grain was something the Israelites ate during those days as a meal. So Boaz was providing meals for Ruth and Naomi.

Read Ruth 2:14-17

What did Boaz tell the men working in his field to do for Ruth?

What can you learn about giving to others from Boaz?


Boaz and Ruth eventually got married. Here is a fun fact. Boaz and Ruth are the great grandparents of King David, Israel’s most famous king. King David is the great, great, great (and a lot more “greats”) granddad of Jesus. This means Boaz and Ruth are a part of Jesus’ earthly family. Thousands of years later, Jesus walked on earth and was the best example of having a giving heart.

Read Matthew 14:13-21

What did Jesus do for the people who were with Him?


What does your family tree look like? Start with your parents.


When you read the word “brother” in the Bible, it doesn’t always mean your actual brother. When we accept Christ, we become part of God’s family! So that means we are all brothers and sisters in Christ!

Read Deuteronomy 15:7-8

What are you supposed to do for someone in need?

How can you help people in your family who are in need?

The next time your family has dinner together, talk about how you could help people in your community who need food, shelter, and clothing.


Have you ever passed by a homeless person on the street? Ask your mom or dad if you can get a few gift cards for some places to eat. Next time you see a homeless person on the street, stop and give him/her the gift card! Make sure you only do this with your parents. Be safe!