Beware of Your Sin


Read Hebrews 3:12
What kind of damage is sin capable of doing?
The only thing that can separate you from God is your sin. If you believe in Jesus, there is no way you can lose salvation. Eternity is yours no matter what you do because Jesus’ death on the cross pays the penalty for the sins you have done in the past, present and future. Today you need to see how damaging sin can be. It can keep you from Jesus forever. As a believer in Jesus you are an example of Jesus to others so you don’t want to live like you did before you knew Jesus. You want people to see you are free from sin so they will want to believe in Jesus too.


Read Galatians 5:16
What does this verse say you should walk by? How should you not walk?
Sometimes the Bible uses the word “flesh” to talk about sin. All humans have “flesh,” so if you live according to the human way you are living according to sin. When you believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit lives inside of you. If you live by the Spirit, you are listening to God who is inside you. This means you need to beware of your sin. Because we are human, we cannot be perfect. You may still sin in this life, but through Jesus Christ you are already forgiven. If you live a sinful life, you are ignoring God who is inside of you.
Are you living life that is guided by your sinful desires? How can you listen to what God wants you to do? How can you do what God wants you to do?


Read James 1:14
Where does temptation come from? Why are you tempted?
Satan offers you the opportunity to sin, but you are tempted by your own sinful desires. Let’s pretend you go to the dentist and he tells you that you can’t eat sweets for one week or your teeth will fall out. During that week you might be tempted to eat sweets. Let’s also pretend you don’t like gummy bears, but you love chocolate. If someone, during that week, offered you a bag of gummy bears you would not be tempted at all. It’s not worth it because you don’t like them. On the other hand, if someone offered you chocolate you might be tempted because you have a strong desire for chocolate. Satan will offer you opportunities based on your sinful desires, you are the one who is tempts yourself. Satan will not offer you an opportunity that will not tempt you. He will offer the opportunity to do something you desire to do. You need to beware of your sin. It will keep you from becoming who you are in Christ. Get rid of it and watch out for those opportunities that will make you want to do it again. What is the sin that would tempt you to do wrong? What are some ways you make sure that sin doesn’t tempt you?


Read 1 Peter 2:1-3
What should you get rid of? What should you do instead?
Why should you drink spiritual milk?
God uses the simple analogy of a baby and milk to help you understand how to grow in your walk with the Lord. Just like a baby needs milk, you need God’s Word to grow in your walk with Jesus. If you are going to listen and apply God’s Word, you have to be aware of your sin. God wants you to get rid of all that junk that keeps you from Him. When you sin, get rid of it and beware of situations that will make you want to be your old self. Have you grown this year reading your Bible every day?
How has it taught you to avoid sin?


Read Psalm 119:11
Why should you store up God’s Word in your heart?
God’s Word is your defense against it. Reading God’s Word helps you beware of sin and gives you courage to combat it. It teaches you God’s way, it helps you recognize lies and it guides you to find your identity in Christ. If you are reading God’s Word, you will know how to watch out for sin.
Read James 1:22
What does the Bible say you need to as much as you need to read the Word?
If you apply what you read to your life, you will not only know about sin you will see sin start to go away in your life. Applying God’s Word to your life is how you fight the battle against sin.

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Read Matthew 4:1-11 to see how Christ uses God’s Word to fight off the temptation of sin.