I Will Reward You

Read Hebrews 11:16.
What does God give to those who seek Him? Do you have a family member who gives you good gifts at Christmas and for your birthday? If you do, do you get excited to see what he/she has to give you during these special occasions? Get excited because God is the best gift giver and He has tons in store to give you. God not only gives you an inheritance, He also gives you a reward. It is important for you to understand the difference. Your inheritance is eternal life. When you inherit something, you did nothing to get it. It is just given to you. You did nothing to get eternal life, Jesus did all the work on the cross. If eternal life was all you got, that would be enough. God’s reward is like the stocking stuffer at Christmas. It’s not the main gift, but you are amazed that you get extra goodies in a sock. God will reward you for the good things you do on earth. It has nothing to do with your salvation but everything to do with a God who wants to bless His followers’ “socks off.”
Read Galatians 6:9
Why should you not grow weary in doing good? The word “reap” is a farming word. Farmers reap their crops when they are planted and full grown. It’s their reward for all the hard work they put into planting and growing the crops. God is promising you He will reward you for doing good. He is also motivating you to do good things. Focusing on the reward that God will give you is a good reason for doing good things! What are 3 good things you can do for God today?



Read Colossians 3:2
Where should you set your eyes? Where should you NOT set your eyes? Colossians 3:2 helps explain what God’s reward is like. God promises you a reward for doing good but He also wants you to look up towards Him for that reward. God’s reward is so much better than earthly things. Earthly things are temporary that break and get old. God’s reward lasts for an eternity. God may bless you while you are on earth, but you should never do things so God can give you things on earth. There is no way to know what God’s reward will look like in heaven, but if you like the things He creates on earth… the things He has created for you in heaven will be a million times better. What are some ways that you can take your focus off earthly things?
Read 2 Timothy4:7-8
What does God say He will give to those who love Him when they have finished the race of life? The Olympics started in the country of Greece. When Paul was alive, the Olympics happened. He might have even gone! They looked a little different than they do today. For example, the winners would get a crown of leaves. The Greek word for it was “stefanos” (It sounds like the word “Stefanie” combined with the “los” in the name “Carlos”). This crown was not a “ruling crown” that a king would wear. This was the crown of a victor, a winner. God promises that you will get a victor’s crown. Life is a long distance race that takes training and endurance. But at the end, if you love God you will be victorious… and He will reward you with a crown!
Read Ephesians 2:8-9
How are you saved? Did you do anything to get salvation? Remember, God’s grace is how you are saved. He did the work for you to have eternal life. It is important for you to understand the difference between inheriting salvation and being rewarded for good works when you get to heaven. The good works did not get you in… they are just the bonus gift.