Day 1- WHO AM I?
While Jesus was still with His disciples, He started to tell them important things.
But first, He had to make sure they believed in who He was.
Read Matthew 16:13-20
Who did His disciples believe Him to be?
The world around Jesus believed He was different things, but Jesus wanted to make sure His followers believed in who He really was. Jesus was about to explain what was going to happen to Him. He had mentioned what He was on earth for many times, but He hadn’t mapped out the details to His disciples because they were not yet ready to hear it. He also needed to tell them something else that was important. He not only was going to explain His death and resurrection, but also that He would return. If they didn’t believe Him to be “Christ, the Son of the living God,” they would not be able to understand. You are going to learn about Jesus’ return so ask yourself the following questions:
Who do you believe Jesus to be? Who does the world believe Him to be?
Do you trust that His Word will come true?
Read Matthew 16:21-28
In verse 21, what does Jesus tell His disciples will happen to Him?
What was Peter’s response? What did Jesus say to Peter after His response?
Peter didn’t want Jesus to die. Jesus’ reaction to Peter seems harsh, but the reality is that Jesus has told them over and over that He must be the sacrifice for people’s sins. Peter had just told Him that He believed who He said He was and this response was selfish.
Read Matthew 16:27
What does Jesus tell His disciples in this verse? How is Jesus going to come?
Jesus’ first arrival was unnoticed by the world. He came as a baby and was born in a lowly manger. The second time He comes to earth, He will come in God’s glory with the angels. This month you are going to learn about Jesus’ return.
Read Matthew 17:1-8; Mark 9:2-8: Luke 9:28-36
What happened? What did Jesus look like? What were His clothes like?
The disciples were probably having a hard time understanding that Jesus would return in a different way. You have to understand that these men saw Jesus as very human. He ate, slept, went to the bathroom, got tired and did things that normal humans do. He had proven to them over and over that He had the power of God through His miracles and teachings, but He knew they needed a little help to understand how He would be different when He was on earth next. So, He took a few of His disciples and He was transfigured before them (which is just a fancy way of saying He changed into another form).
Were the disciples amazed? What did God say to them?
Do you realize you will get to see Jesus in this way someday, too?
Read Luke 19:9-10 and Matthew 1:21. Why did Jesus come to earth the first time?
If Jesus skipped His first arrival, then no one else would get to live with God forever. God’s plan is perfect. Because He wants all people to come to live with Him forever, Christ had to come and die for people’s sin first. His death gave you freedom from the penalty of sin. His resurrection gave you new life that lasts forever, and His return will give you a new home with Him with no evil. Are you thankful God planned for Jesus to come twice? Are you thankful you get to live forever without evil?
Read Matthew 13:24-30
What will eventually happen to the weeds (tares)? Where will the wheat go?
When do the weeds and wheat get separated?
You have read this parable before and you focused on understanding why you will live on earth with evil. God is patient and wants people to know Him. Eventually Jesus will judge evil. All Jesus tells us here is that this will happen at the harvest. Just like a good farmer knows the right time for this crop’s harvest to happen, Jesus knows the right time to judge evil. The great news is that just like the “wheat” will be gathered into the good farmer’s barn, we will be gathered to live forever with Jesus away from evil.