300+ Club


The entire Old Testament speaks to the coming Messiah. There are hundreds of prophecies in the Bible about the Messiah given to different men over thousands of years. These men lived on earth at different times and the written Word wasn’t mass-produced. They simply got a word from the Lord and wrote it down. The reality is Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophesies in His first coming! The rest will be fulfilled when He returns. Jesus’ fulfillment of prophecy is overwhelming and it is tested proof that Jesus is who He says He is.
Read Genesis 3:15
This verse is a curse from God to Satan. Who will he be opposed to?
Does it say a seed of man or seed of woman? What will the Seed of woman do to Satan?
This verse is the first reference to Jesus in the Bible. God only reveals a little, but what He reveals is huge! The word “bruise” in the Hebrew language means “crush.” God is telling Satan that the seed of a woman will crush his head. The Messiah will be bruised on the heel, which references the cross. This action will crush Satan, which it did. Notice God specifically says “seed of a woman.” This is a reference to the virgin birth. Man did nothing to bring about Jesus’ birth.
Read Galatians 4:4-5; Matthew 1:18. How does Jesus fulfill the prophecy in Genesis 3:15?
Read Romans 5:12. The seed of man, starting with Adam, spreads what?
How does this verse explain why the virgin birth is so important?


Read 2 Samuel 7:16; Genesis 49:10; 1 Chronicles 22:10
Write down what these prophecies say.
Read Matthew 1. Circle any of the people mentioned in Matthew 1 that are listed in prophecy. To be the Messiah, you have to have a very specific birthright. For example, the Messiah had to be in the line of King David and in the line of the Israelite tribe of Judah. The Messiah also had to be a part of the nation of Israel. Jesus again was all of these things as you see His lineage in Matthew 1. This is just one big example of the Messiah’s specific birthright, but it is important to know Jesus’ genealogy was kept intact by God through many attempts by Satan to keep Jesus from coming. Satan tried to stop Jesus through the flood with Noah, the almost annihilation of the Jews in the book of Esther, and in Matthew 2 in the story of what Herod did. There is never a break in father-son relationship from Adam to Jesus.  Satan tried, but God is mighty to save! He is able to bring mankind salvation!


Read Matthew 2 and 3
Write down any verses that specifically say Jesus fulfilled prophecy.
Look up the Old Testament verses given.
What prophecy does Jesus fulfill in these verses? How does Jesus prove He is the Messiah?

Read Isaiah 11:2
What does this verse say would rest on the Messiah?
Read Matthew 3:16-17, Acts 10:38
How did the Spirit of the Lord rest on Jesus? Here again we see that Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of how He would be fully human but also have the power of God!
Read Isaiah 53:9
How would the Messiah be buried? What did the prophet prophesy Jesus would do wrong?
Read 2 Corinthians 5:21 and Matthew 4
Did Jesus do anything wrong?
Read Matthew 27:57-60
Where was Jesus buried? How did this fulfill Isaiah 53:9?


Read Isaiah 25:8. What is the Messiah prophesied to do?
Read Luke Chapters 23-24
What does Jesus do in the events of the crucifixion?
What happens three days after the crucifixion?
Read Romans 8:11. How does Jesus have the power to resurrect?
You barely scratched the surface of how Jesus fulfilled prophecy. How does what you read help confirm to you that Jesus is the Messiah?
How can using prophecy help you make a defense for the gospel?