God is the Holy Spirit

Day 1 – Read and memorize John 14:16-17

Did you know that God is three persons? Take out a pencil and draw a triangle. In the middle of the triangle, write God. At one tip of the triangle, write God the Father, at another write Jesus, and the last write the Holy Spirit. The triangle represents God and shows there are three persons who are God. In the last few months, you have learned that the God the Father is God. You have also learned that Jesus is God. Today, you will learn that the Holy Spirit is God.

Day 2 – Read John 14:16-17

Write it down. Circle all the words that describe the Holy Spirit.

Day 3

Jesus is talking in this verse. How does He describe the Holy Spirit?
Where does the Holy Spirit live?
The Bible tells us that Jesus, for a little while, lived on earth with us. After He died and rose again, He went up to heaven to live there with God. After Jesus went up to heaven, the Holy Spirit came down to earth to live inside those who believe in Jesus. God lives in you, and His name is the Holy Spirit. If you believe in Jesus, you have God’s spirit within you. He is there to guide you, teach you, comfort you, and help you.

Day 4

In science class, you learn that water is made up of H20. If a liquid is not made up of H2O, then it is not water. Water has three forms. It can be ice, steam and liquid. Each form of water is made up of H2O, but it looks and feels different. Each form of water has different purposes. The same is true for God. God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit are all God. Just like H20 can be ice, steam, and liquid, God has three forms. Ice, steam, and liquid water contain the same elements, just as the three forms of God have the same characteristics of God. God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit have different purposes, but they are all God.

Day 5

The Bible verse this week tells us that we can’t see the Holy Spirit with our eyes but you have probably noticed Him. Maybe you didn’t know who it was. Have you ever thought about not doing something because you knew it was wrong? That is the Holy Spirit helping you to choose what is good and right. Have you ever seen someone and thought, “I need to help them out”? That is the Holy Spirit.  Try to pay attention to the Holy Spirit today. He is in you.

DID YOU KNOW…It seems hard to understand that God is three people at the same time, but you don’t realize how that is a pretty normal concept in every day life. For example, think of your mom. She is your mom but at the same time she is your grandmom’s daughter, she might be someone’s sister, and is also someone’s friend. Your mom is one person but has many different roles! It’s not a perfect example, but it can help you grab onto the truth that God is three persons in one.